Example sentences of "so [adv] [conj] they have " in BNC.

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1 Before he could get to the specimen , its entrails had decomposed so badly that they had to be thrown away , so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw .
2 And that is n't so long since they 'd seen her
3 A wag in the crowd quipped that it is so long since they have been in evidence , police enquiries are being hampered because no one can name or describe them .
4 ‘ I know you mean well , love , ’ he wrote , ‘ but Maureen and Chris have managed for so long because they have kept it so low key .
5 People are like chameleons : they can adjust themselves to any environment so long as they 've no alternative .
6 ( c. 1 ) Writing shortly after Charles 's death , he believed that a new generation of both kings and nobles could preserve the realm so long as they had the right personal qualities .
7 Ailing animals , so long as they have a solvent owner in two , are our bread and butter .
8 So long as they have neighbours within 12″ the Snotlings are not affected by the psychology rules and they do not need to take break tests when they are beaten in hand-to-hand combat .
9 Notwithstanding the views that have found favour with others I consider this to be a reasonable construction of the statutory provisions and I am comforted in the fact that , apart from an attempt to tax airline employees , which was taken to the special commissioners who decided in favour of the taxpayer , this has been the practice of the Inland Revenue in applying the relevant words where they have occurred in the Income Tax Acts for so long as they have been in force , until they initiated the present cases .
10 But they do so only after they 've had their seven rehearsals . ’
11 Would they dare risk alienating public opinion so soon after they had regained it ?
12 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
13 We have them in a lovely big room with refreshments , buffets and so forth and they have a whole entertainments evening . ’
14 I doubt that any of the Israelites wandering in the desert and occasionally venturing down to the water would have written those lines about God being mightier quite so confidently if they had seen big Waimea .
15 slip through the net so far but they 've got to be done .
16 He 's also been careful to work er with the United Nations who have done er much better so far than they have in er some crises in the past .
17 On the left , the attitude of Moscow and the Third International , in so far as they had any influence at all in Spain before the war , was to encourage Popular Front democracy and discourage revolution .
18 Whatever the law might hold , no one could argue that the methods used by Esmail and Everington amounted to fraud , in so far as they had neither the intention nor the potential to gain an advantage .
19 worried about them being so far as they 've the only child , and talked them into come down and live with us , so then I applied and got a move to just after it was built , which was a four bedroom house .
20 In so far as they have a derivation , it is from the post of Senior Teacher established at the time of the Houghton Review - but seniority , per se , is not a management function .
21 In so far as they have grown up in an ad hoc fashion , designed by the art colleges on an individual basis , it is difficult to generalize about them .
22 Well , in so far as they have planning permission or allocated local plans .
23 so far as they have made some er adjustment , we will be able to judge whether the scale of adjustment they 've made was a was a reasonable thing .
24 So even if they have n't much money , they 've no choice but to buy .
25 It was only when Gould declared on 28 February 1837 , that Darwin 's island specimens of the Galapagos mocking bird differed so profoundly that they had to be categorised as three completely distinct species , that the alarm bells began to ring .
26 When in 1857 something new began to grow in Nova Scotia Gardens , financed by Angela Burdett-Coutts at the prompting of Dickens , the residents protested so vehemently that they had to be pacified by the architect and restrained by the law .
27 And what you might need to start thinking about as well is how could you illustrate some of these , already around you in the room , going up , work from year nine where they have started writing that as a complaint to god , moaning about Hurricane Andrew , about earthquakes and floods and so on and they 've decided that they 're going to illustrate the work they 're doing with these paper cuttings of disasters and problems in the world , there 's one up here about a gorilla that 's been taken from the wild and is in captivity in London Zoo and they said that they think it 's wrong .
28 In her state of extreme nervous tension she had clutched those dollars so tightly that they 'd almost disintegrated .
29 This suggests that the feeling of difficulty may be strongest with people whose incomes are stretched so tightly that they have to use credit for some needed purchases which they could not afford otherwise .
30 Wigan began so explosively that they had raced into a 34–0 lead within a mere 20 minutes as they ran in six memorable tries .
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