Example sentences of "so [adj] [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Government policies are so short-term that by the time the recession is over , the country 's industrial base will have been destroyed , and we could end up with a Third World economy .
2 Shakespeare 's plays are so rich that in every age they can produce fresh meanings and even those who deny his universality agree on his cultural importance .
3 Shakespeare 's plays are so rich that in every age they can produce fresh meanings and even those who deny his universality agree on his cultural importance .
4 German influence in East Prussia had been so strong that over the years the southern strip of East Prussia , which was occupied by a large number of ethnic Poles , had become increasingly Germanised .
5 But the bonding between an infant and his or her family is so strong that within a few days , as in the case of Marie and her partner Peter , you are convinced you know your own baby from any other in the world .
6 The ceiling was so low that with a jump Matilda could nearly touch it with her finger-tips .
7 In 1932 , for example , Mrs Q. D. Leavis had roundly condemned the cheapening and weakening influences of the popular press and popular novels which produced ‘ merely crude states of mind ’ and what she called ‘ the disintegration of the reading public ’ : ‘ The reading capacity of the general public , it must be concluded , has never been so low as at the present time . ’
8 But life in the Court of Appeal and , even more , in the House of Lords is not so strenuous as in the High Court ( or below ) , personal prestige and status are higher among the fewer , with a life peerage at the top .
9 it would be reasonable to expect a person so connected and in the position by virtue of which he is so connected , not to disclose save for the proper performance of the functions attached to that position ;
10 Within the hour the camera , the film and the physical chemistry became so clear that with a great sense of excitement I hurried to the place where a friend was staying to describe to him in detail a dry camera which would give a picture immediately after exposure .
11 The biggest shock in the new round of cuts is that IBM 's forecasting last year was so abysmal that despite the fact that 40,000 people will have left by the end of the year where it was only counting on shedding 20,000 , it still has to make more cuts .
12 Not so high because of the glass but because it 's got to have double folding shutters .
13 I du n no , on the one side down a bit so he was n't so noticeable and round the other side there 's !
14 Much approved of by Mrs Lirriper : ‘ a pretty little town with a great two-towered cathedral … and another tower atop of one of the towers like a sort of stone pulpit … and a market outside in front of the cathedral , and all so quaint and like a picture . ’
15 Why , the galaxy is so vast that in the latter case I could continue to pose — and behave — as an Inquisitor ; though I would truly be a renegade … ’
16 The international banking community was so nervous that for a while no forward foreign exchange markets operated properly anywhere .
17 I remember Shostakovich was so nervous but at the same time so impressed .
18 In his Golden Bough Sir James Frazer had difficulty in making up his mind between the two rival theories of the fire-cults and fire-festivals which are found intimately connected with the agricultural year throughout those parts of the world where the sun is neither so bright nor so constant as in the cloudless skies of Egypt .
19 I think of you so hard that after a while I can almost feel you kissing me .
20 And a cuppa is never so welcome as at a rest stop en route .
21 Then he felt so ill that after the wedding rehearsal a doctor sent him straight to Reading 's Royal Berkshire Hospital at 7 pm .
22 Not surprisingly , against this background , family relationships were very strained and Gary was so unpopular that on the rare occasions when he did behave appropriately it went unnoticed and unattended to , which meant he was only getting attention for antisocial behaviour .
23 Many were also given lockable doors to preserve privacy , and curtains to prevent draughts ; indeed , some became so elaborate that during the 1630s the Bishop of Norwich , Richard Corbett , was led to remark wryly that they lacked ‘ nothing but beds to hear the word of God on ’ .
24 When her kindergarten time was up , her parents engaged a modelling tutor to come in twice a week , and she was so good that at the age of 7 she was admitted to the Dover School of Art where she stayed until she was eighteen .
25 To have continued to be so dependable and at the same time so exciting a batsman for so long , shows him to have been one of the greats of the game .
26 he was tired , he 's got this cold coming on but he said you can be in here so long but after a while you feel as though you 've got to come out , you need to get out !
27 Thanks to the site 's owners , the Guiting Manor Amenity Trust , excavation continues to search for signs of those whose victim has lain undisturbed for so long and for a reason why the site was built so carefully in a line with the mid-summer sun .
28 There are a few extra types ( W , hotter than O ; and R , N and S , cooler than M ) but these are so uncommon that for the moment we need not worry about them .
29 The process is so effective that by the time the molecules reach the top of the outer tube , they are arranged in a series of concentric rings , each representing one type of molecule or cell .
30 The mechanism is so effective that in the human body a partial vacuum of 6 mm Hg exists in the tissue spaces from which the lymph originates .
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