Example sentences of "so [conj] not [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In 1921 , for example , we find the police warning against setting up a ‘ continental system of domestic espionage ’ in Britain ( p. 6 ) Even SIS , which had designs on MI5 in 1945 , shied away from the latter 's counter-subversive functions , so as not to be ‘ associated with the idea of an internal Gestapo , ( p. 177 ) No wonder governments are nervous of too much openness in this area .
2 Each time we went for another animal all those left howled and fought their chains to get close to us so as not to be left behind .
3 The Wine Committee ( three to six members strong ) was to be elected by all categories of membership , so as not to be in contravention of the law .
4 One has the impression that the politicians have half-heartedly picked it up so as not to be left behind in the citizenship fashion-parade , or maybe because they have been prodded into rendering some kind of lip-service by their convinced academics .
5 As a conciliatory gesture , the restaurant was built like a large shack , so as not to be too obtrusive .
6 So as not to be full of wind and fury alone , the report closes with alternative budget proposals , suggesting for example that proposed spending on nuclear energy be halved and spending on energy conservation be increased from 2 to 34 per cent of the energy budget .
7 Love , which indeed hid itself , but not shyly and fearfully , rather secretly and thoughtfully , so as not to be touched by a stranger 's hand — his first love , not his strongest and certainly not his deepest , but surely his most blessed .
8 Bambi , it seemed to me , had taught herself not to care for Sheridan so as not to be hurt by him .
9 For the wealthy , the Act for Burying in Woollen imposed but another expense , as £5 was but a small price to pay so as not to be buried in a material proscribed for even the lowliest rustic .
10 We had , ‘ shaved our heads so as not to be sex objects , and boarded up our windows so that men in the street could n't see in ’ .
11 Margaret 's mini was passed soaring up hills , so I changed into low gear and closed the windows so as not to be suffocated by diesel fumes .
12 When I think of me days of pain and sufferin' here , and how I 've kept cheerful and 'elpful so as not to be a burden , as well as givin' you the benefit of me company so that you could 'ave someone to talk to , well , it 's a shock to me to find you lazin' about with a gypsy woman on your lap .
13 And it must be acquired by the whole of the race faced with those conditions , so as not to be lost in crossing .
14 In the pub , quietly , so as not to be overheard , they would complain about the lack of compassion and the ingrained racism of the Party .
15 He paused — a marked pause — turned away , took a couple of paces laterally — so as not to be too ridiculously far beneath her — and managed a reasonably sincere sigh — given the short notice .
16 But I am not that man , Thomas thought , shivering in a heap on the flower bed where he had dropped onto all fours so as not to be seen .
17 Carefully turning the mirror aside so as not to be trapped again , Mait examined the intricate network of rods .
18 Radji thinks he ought to go back to Teheran so as not to be lumped with the more infamous of the Shahs associates " in peoples minds .
19 She had not been able to drink the tea , although she had tried , so as not to be ungrateful .
20 Further , from the time of an announcement of an auction until 28 days after it has been held , the Bank observes a fallow period during which it does not sell stock of a similar type to that being auctioned so as not to be seen to be depressing the price .
21 I certainly want teachers to respond closely to the situation in which they are — but they need to be clear about the overall function of RE , what it is about , in order to respond in a way which is meaningful so as not to be just taken over by the latest influence .
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