Example sentences of "so [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] just " in BNC.

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1 I 'll borrow my brother 's Lambretta so that we can just sit for a whole hour and then I 'll drive you home .
2 He held her closely , not talking , and she was grateful for the silence so that she could just be .
3 That she would you know throw him out so that she could just could n't tolerate him any more .
4 When she was at the premiere of The Delinquents she was wearing this designer dress and it was black and cut up one side , so that you could just see one leg ; it looked awful , Some people only wear things because they have a designer label .
5 I said , Why so that you can just carry on normally ?
6 Easy connections between machinery , so that you can just plug into a socket .
7 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
8 Yes , so that I can just sort of say , you know , we did invite and , that might help
9 Erm , quite a lot off the top you know so that I can just brush it up
10 It would extend so that it could just jump back .
11 So if we could just check that we 've all got this right .
12 So if we can just look at these again
13 So if you 'll just give me a signature on this … ’
14 ‘ Anyway , I 'm sure you 've got lots to do , so if you 'll just — ’
15 So if you 'll just pull me out we can be off . ’
16 So if you could just spend five or six minutes doing that and could we come back at twenty five
17 ‘ Look , I expect my friends are happy enough here , so if you could just , you know , set me down somewhere — ’
18 So if you could just you 've got .
19 um right I think I need you to sign it actually so if you could just sign here
20 ‘ Look , ’ Violet said , ‘ I 'm not what you think , so if you will just go away . ’
21 Having said nothing about the er the charity erm erm the meeting on erm the meetings four times a year and we 're quite but there are some available for erm people erm and particularly to erm we agreed a list of people who wished to give them Christmas gifts , cash but I 'm sure they would help and and erm the names of people who who might need help er are always welcome so if I could just erm erm ask people to let me know if they know of anyone financial help .
22 Erm perhaps no more than two hectares adrift , so if I could just emphasize that that land availability figure is round about thirty five hectares .
23 So if I can just come through here .
24 We 're running out of time as usual , so if I can just come to that final line to you to consider and give me some views on them before you go .
25 Okay so if I can just go through what I 've just talked with , with you about .
26 Right okay , so if I can just look at the details for each of them .
27 So if I can just put a tick there
28 So if I can just break it down .
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