Example sentences of "so [conj] [pron] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So where she go to ?
2 so that one goes to the right and this one goes to the left
3 Though arrested in Denmark , Britain , France and Spain for narcotics and arms offences , al-Kassar had made himself too valuable an asset to European and American intelligence agencies for them to allow him to go to waste in prison , so that he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance matched only among international criminals by his partner , Rifat Assad , younger brother of the Syrian president , who also owned a villa outside Marbella , and whose daughter , Raja , was al-Kassar 's mistress .
4 Can it be mixed with half peat so that it goes to er
5 Funding for care in the community will be ‘ ring fenced ’ so that it goes to the elderly , infirm and those with disabilities to enable them to stay in their own homes if they wish .
6 and put it so that it goes over your feet
7 to stop , so if one goes at least you 've got another one to save underneath you know ?
8 erm , yes so if we went to them sort of fairly soon we 'd
9 So if you went along Shallard 's Road
10 erm I think the consensus is that you would n't — that either space is infinite , or at the very least it it 's finite it has no edge , so if you went in one direction for long enough you would come back in the other direction .
11 So if you go up the road to Epping their elections take up all the councillors that are elected together .
12 So if you go to your local pub at night for a er an evening social and you have a drink no doubt you 'll look round your public house and you 'll see all sorts of pieces of fire equipment .
13 You know that the parameters were non constant but hopefully they will be now constant , now that we 've er included the dummy variable okay er so if you go to the diagnostic menu
14 Alright so if you go to your syndicate rooms now I will join you in due course .
15 So if you go to the Christmas do on nineteenth then you just bring Simon home with you afterwards , I think do n't you ?
16 Again , the conditions are very very different in every place , so if you go to Honduras , erm they have 2 million hectares of tropical forest , which is scarcely being used at all to the use of timber , but is being steadily cut down , and turned into , first peasant agriculture , and second , ranching .
17 this is a structural change , what you could do or the easiest thing would be to do was just to incorporate a dummy variable , right , if you incorporated a dummy variable to a erm and to explain the and to take out the effect of structural change , right , er in that dummy inclusive model , right , all the diagnostic test statistics were okay , right , you would use , you would , therefore , use that , that particular model what we might do is just see if that is the case erm so if you come out of er diagnostics , work towards the data processing environment and generate a dummy variable right , so if you go into the erm data processing environment if it 's in the er sort of process plot option what we 'll do create a dummy variable call it D and let D pull zero press the return key and then edit D oh and if you just set erm observations for
18 The first thing we 'll do is look at the data , alright , so if you go from the action menu into option one , right , we 're going to plot er go through to the transform edit
19 Well he goes to work at half seven so if you go before that you 'll be alright .
20 Yes , you 'll go to the bottom do n't you , alright , so if it goes to the bottom it 's sinking OK ?
21 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
22 So if I went like that you 've got ta go the same ?
23 Go that way so if she goes into the Hea the Health Centre and says , you know that she 's from Hill
24 They therefore chose to look after their children during the week , and to allow their husbands to do so while they went to work on Sundays .
25 I am particularly afraid of strange dentists , so before I went into the RAF I made sure my teeth were in order .
26 So when we went through it , Kevin was going to do all of the careers officers in York but did n't need to do Mary because she 's part of the adult team and therefore Jane and Julie will have to sort her .
27 So when we went to Stylus Records and Telstar you know they were more than than happy to have because they seemed but I think that at at the start had we been looking for somebody here to take us over probably it would never have happened .
28 Not so when she went into the shop , carrying the family chicken-feed tin , to whisper , ‘ Pet-a-torn , please . ’
29 She had miscalculated her dates , so when she went into labour she thought she was only five months pregnant and having a miscarriage .
30 and this woman , she 's ninety odd and she does n't like being in the room on her own so when she goes to bed mum goes with her .
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