Example sentences of "so [adv] [conj] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Night Goblins hate their old rivals the Dwarfs so intensely that they will often fight to the death rather than run away .
2 In most of the provinces … the natives used to copy one another so effectively that they could be looked upon as all identical …
3 In this he described how , by splitting a parallelepiped of calcite spar along its shorter diagonal , and then cementing the halves together with Canada balsam ( having a refractive index intermediate between those of the doubly refracting calcite spar ) , he was able to separate the two emergent beams so widely that they could be used independently .
4 They have pursued this dream so fiercely that they can not afford to admit any self-doubt .
5 If we want parents to enjoy meetings so much that they will want to repeat the experience then a number of basic issues need to be addressed :
6 That is the ability to co-ordinate the actions of members of the society in cases in which they have reason to co-ordinate their actions , and the ability to do so better than they can .
7 Men like Pericles controlled policy not through any power vested in them but only so long as they could persuade the people .
8 They were even willing to occupy pre-moulded nests so long as they could carry out their normal movements before laying .
9 As far as they were concerned , and like most Arab players in the narcotics game , the DEA was welcome to play one side off against another , so long as they could watch safely from the sidelines .
10 And , and were prepared to do the work so long as they could get the say so from erm the Highways Authority .
11 Just so long as they could finish this stupid game and get on to his answer .
12 We knew we were safe , so long as they could n't spot individuals and target them for later , and in the darkness the Danuese let the malais know what they thought of them .
13 So long as they can sell , AEs will never have to pass the exam .
14 They do n't care whether I stand on the side of a screen or front stage so long as they can see me , hear me , Karl Gesner .
15 So so if they can assess my partner on .
16 They wanted him to like this house but he did n't , and he was n't saying so just so they 'd feel better .
17 They could not afford another campaign : they had run through the treasure inherited from Edward II so quickly that they could not even pay their Hainault mercenaries , and they had to borrow both from the Florentine banking house of Bardi and from English merchants .
18 They were so still that they might have been made of granite .
19 Winter sweet , viburnum , and witch hazel were all in flower ; the air was so still that they could hear the distant gurgle of the river from down in the valley .
20 Believing in their authority so totally that they could .
21 They begged Franca to come too , and she declined so tactfully that they could all , without awkwardness , smile over the plan and even discuss it .
22 Brailsford , Russell and those who looked to the US to enforce peace , did so partly because they could not convince themselves , in 1916 , that ‘ a revolutionary mass movement for peace ’ was in the making among Europe 's democracies .
23 Are the forces of the mightiest military power on earth to be deployed so sparingly that they might as well be shrunk much more than most imagine ?
24 C : I think that there 's some hope now with the Labour party because they 've — um — compromised themselves politically so far that they would n't …
25 Around eighty galleries have confirmed so far that they will be attending more than this time last year and the organisers are presenting a positive front in the light of the art market recession .
26 I think er what this exercise today has shown us is that only about half the factors in H two er have a strategic dimension in so far as they would affect a choice between broad sectors around York .
27 This style also reflects the attempt by the political élite in Moscow to hand down to the provinces general directives which were as sophisticated as possible and based on Marxist tenets in so far as they could be understood at lower levels .
28 The transitive verb meant ‘ to make suitable ’ and when translated into human terms this indicated a solution to a number of perceived difficulties in the juvenile labour-market : at the very least it offered a safeguard against redundancy through technological change ; it provided a necessary companion for ‘ intelligence ’ , one of the qualities demanded by ‘ modern ’ industrial conditions ; and it seemed to imply a degree of social contentment , integration , and stability , which were important , if only in so far as they could serve as protection against the ravages of unemployment and , in extreme cases , unemployability .
29 Hailing each other , they found that they had come to the same conclusion : that so far as they could tell , in the gloom and confusion , the night was theirs , the camp completely broken up , the enemy scattered and leaderless and unlikely to rally now .
30 I can not resist the admission that I was profoundly flattered when a telephone call from Harold Wilson at Downing Street invited me to mediate on the basis that , so far as they could see , I was for the moment the only tolerable candidate .
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