Example sentences of "so [adv] [verb] n't [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The the the trouble is it 's not not not that wrong with the fence but the ivy 's so thick , it 's been there so long has n't it ?
2 them so quickly do n't they ?
3 It happened so quickly has n't it ?
4 You 've done rotations and reflections and so forth have n't you ?
5 Mm it 's been very thrilling so far has n't it ?
6 You only have to talk quietly , it comes out so well does n't it ?
7 How about yourself , you 've settled well at United , though strangely when you were on loan everything seemed to be going so well did n't it , there were some good results coming .
8 Now they forget so fast do n't they ?
9 No , good ones move on so fast do n't they ?
10 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
11 She wanted a career and a love and both were possible so why had n't she called him , written to him ?
12 The sort of man who could have his pick of women , so why had n't he picked any ?
13 And he must have known that they 're gon na be cheaper so why does n't he advise people who are starting out to take one of them ?
14 So why does n't he get vicious ?
15 So why does n't it work ?
16 The government must have the figures , we know the government has the figures and the people of Britain will have to pay that extra tax so why have n't they got the guts to tell them how much they 'll have to pay .
17 ‘ I 've shared the same ball as Waqar and Wasim all series , so why have n't I had the same degree of success ?
18 So why have n't I done the fuck already ?
19 We are not in the least angry about this rather hurried wedding , so why have n't you brought her ?
20 So why have n't you had any so far ?
21 The unwanted jongleurs even proffer tourist information : apparently if we disembark at Oxford Street we 'll be in one of the finest shopping centres in the world , so why do n't we ‘ all fuck off there and buy yer wives a mink ?
22 So why do n't we both get back to work now , instead of nattering on like a couple of housewives over the garden fence ? ’
23 ‘ Our business rivals are thinking like this , so why do n't we ? ’ ,
24 ‘ All the departments who are successful in this company have used these methods , so why do n't we ? ’ ,
25 Now if you 're talking about filling the seats it 's obvious that the people in Harlow like that type of thing so why do n't we have more of it . .
26 So why do n't we do it ?
27 " Everyone else is busy at the moment , so why do n't we try to get something fresh for the pot .
28 It 's not a good idea to leave Miranda all on her own , so why do n't we keep her company ?
29 So why do n't we take it from there ? ’
30 So why do n't we just let things develop at their own pace ? ’
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