Example sentences of "so [adj] 's [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mm so that 's corn dolly accounted for is n't it ?
2 So that 's tutor time at Kidminster Green ; so much for the school prospectus eh ?
3 So that 's Sunday Monday
4 Erm I 've got G and I in so that 's Arthur English , of course , of course .
5 So that 's drive B is it ?
6 So that 's self financing .
7 ‘ Oh so that 's Terry Gafferty 's department is it ? ’ laughed Billy .
8 So that 's patio barbecue area , so it means it 's all done like this .
9 So that 's R Z , one Z two , that 's two R's together and then , what I calculate the side B , the square root of sixty minus thirty I , eh this about the hardest figure that I can do in complex numbers , the square root of sixteen , minus thirty I .
10 Just finish off receive so that 's V E okay receive try deceive .
11 Right so that 's Sid slippers .
12 Said the erm wind chill factor is twenty two below so that 's wind chill factor , that means it 's not that temperature otherwise when there 's a you know the , the gale force wind or erm
13 Well let's assume deducted expectations model is a reasonable model of expectations formation right call that equation number one right , so our adaptive expectations model is E T minus one , so that 's E T right , minus E T minus two into P T minus one right , so that equals gamma into P T minus one , minus E T minus two P T minus one right so that 's the same expression as we had before , right that 's the our ad our adapted expectations model , that 's , that 's how we 're assuming that expectations are generated right , or revised right so , we 're incorporating expectations into this model but we also want to incorporate the fact that farmers take some time to respond to changes in price alright .
14 Okay so that 's C T.
15 So that 's Saturday Monday and Tuesday then .
16 So that 's Selby west and possibly Harrogate .
17 So that 's Robert G Hughes MP for Harr
18 So that 's Gessin Records is it ?
19 We call that Longhorn Valley , so that 's Longhorn Strip .
20 If you can manage to get one photo of a gunmen in all that crowd , how many more were there they did n't get a photo of you know , erm , so that 's bull shit for a start the said that they only fired upon identified targets , going on motorbikes , and erm , I mean the thing is , the para 's are a highly disciplined , highly trained apparently at a you were n't even allowed to go out there without at least five years experience yeah , they were soldiers , they need and I ca n't believe that they negligibly you know , cos there was women and children there , and nearly all of them had wives and kids , you know , and there was reports from like the Irish saying oh yeah , they were mixing body er , care and body people and fucking laughing and joking over dead bodies and my old man said yeah if you just , if you just seen something drop most people will laugh and joke about it , you know I do n't know if you 've ever meet this sort of , old man , but the service sort of a , a unique sense of they can laugh at anything , you know they can see somebody with its guts put out in front of them and they 'll fucking crack out about it , its the only way they can stop themselves cracking up , or fucking crying sort of thing .
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