Example sentences of "so [adj] as [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1932 , for example , Mrs Q. D. Leavis had roundly condemned the cheapening and weakening influences of the popular press and popular novels which produced ‘ merely crude states of mind ’ and what she called ‘ the disintegration of the reading public ’ : ‘ The reading capacity of the general public , it must be concluded , has never been so low as at the present time . ’
2 But life in the Court of Appeal and , even more , in the House of Lords is not so strenuous as in the High Court ( or below ) , personal prestige and status are higher among the fewer , with a life peerage at the top .
3 While scepticism may be present in such societies , it takes a personal , non-cumulative form ; it does not lead to a deliberate rejection and reinterpretation of social dogma so much as to a semi-automatic readjustment of belief .
4 But his evidence does not read to his discredit nearly so much as to the discredit of the committee .
5 Which was it , my dear ? — uncertain not so much as to the identity of the town as to the quickest way to introduce his small and attendant wife .
6 However much the Donation had been perfected and refined by the twelfth century to fit into other papal arguments , there still remained the basic problem not so much as to the origin of power as to its descent .
7 The range of choices which are made available to the child may not be determined by the adult so much as by the nature of the interactions which are jointly established between adult and child .
8 The particular richness of the Mary Rose findings was not in the rare ‘ art ’ objects so much as in the wealth of objects used in everyday Tudor life .
9 The payoff is not in the end products so much as in the energy that can be tapped .
10 The explanation for such divergent viewpoints may lie not in Osred 's reign as a particularly inauspicious period so much as in the dynastic rivalries of this time , accompanied by a failure to sustain Aldfrith 's silver coinage under Osred or his immediate successors .
11 In his Golden Bough Sir James Frazer had difficulty in making up his mind between the two rival theories of the fire-cults and fire-festivals which are found intimately connected with the agricultural year throughout those parts of the world where the sun is neither so bright nor so constant as in the cloudless skies of Egypt .
12 And a cuppa is never so welcome as at a rest stop en route .
13 The Bax and Bantock have been reissued more than once on LP , but neither has ever sounded so well as on the present reissue .
14 If there are ‘ accidents ’ in the garden it is not so important as on the lounge carpet .
15 The need for them is not so apparent as for the other S's , however for long term survival they all play a vital role .
16 It is comforting that requirements of condition are not so exacting as in the printed book world .
17 It is the essential inner spirit of the earth here — immemorial and profoundly mystical — and nowhere is it so potent as upon the edges of these curious chalk pits .
18 If is often said that as people get older they care less what other people think , but it has never been so true as in the last 25 years , when women who were brought up to propitiate the more powerful sex gradually realised that it was no longer necessary — or , at least , not always necessary — to do so .
19 ‘ Alone in a crowd ’ is never so intense as at the movies , and never so open to sudden dislocation .
20 ‘ Though they may cheat each other , it is not so bad as in the city . ’
21 Here the smaller aperture and higher magnification means that the images are not so bright as in the former pairs , and the field is smaller still .
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