Example sentences of "so [adj] [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The walls were no longer quite so solid as they had seemed , and each white-suited attendant seemed to conceal an assassin dressed in black .
2 Her name was Gail Danski , a prim-looking chick , but not so prim when you got her into a dark corner , as he had once discovered when taking her home after a school dance .
3 The country was bracken-clothed dunes , the plants so tall that they came over the horse 's withers in places .
4 All she could see of him from this angle was that he was a very large man , broad as well as tall — so tall that he had to bend his head over his task .
5 The darkness was so total that she wondered if they would even be able to proceed without the aid of a torch .
6 ‘ She 's gone to Sam 's party , ’ said Scarlet , hastily , applying the brush to her hair and wondering why it made you feel so odd if you looked at yourself for a long while in the glass .
7 They walked along corridors so narrow that they had to turn sideways , and through corridors as wide as barns .
8 She also sought , of course , the more usual and natural means of escape and fantasy , such as the watching of advertisements , the reading of fiction , and the spinning of self-indulgent romances , but her experience of life as a child was so narrow that she had no way of telling the possible from the absurd .
9 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
10 I was invited to write this article before the election , around the proposition that the policy differences between the parties were so narrow that it did not really matter who won — a political worldweariness with which I sharply disagreed .
11 Within the citadel there was constant bickering between abbot , Viscount and towns-people — grown so rich that they obeyed no one , remarked Geoffrey of Vigeois ruefully — and yet also a sense of being bound together in opposition to their neighbour , the bishop 's city .
12 For transport she used the farmer 's pony and trap : the pony was so decrepit that we called it the dead pony .
13 It was furnished with an ancient iron bedstead and a wooden table so decrepit that it collapsed as I walked past it .
14 There were those whose attachment to the principles of divine right and hereditary succession was so strong that they felt that James and his heirs could be the only legitimate Kings of England , whilst others turned to Jacobitism out of disillusionment with political developments since the Revolution .
15 The other apostles , whose faith was so strong that they did not need evidence , are held up to us as worthy of imitation .
16 ‘ It was so strong that they hit my March 1994 revenue estimate . ’
17 The producer , Sarah D Wilson comments … ‘ the public and press reaction was so strong that we developed another seven programmes to conclude the story .
18 And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it .
19 Gombert 's linear sense — and sometimes Crecquillon 's and Lupi 's was so strong that he cared nothing for the asperities of harsh suspensions or accented passing-notes , as in this passage from his motet , ‘ Ave sanctissima Maria ’ :
20 Appropriately the imminent passage of the emancipation legislation at the end of Wilberforce 's life provoked in him feelings so strong that he wrote ‘ I have not time to open the Stopper of ye jar that hardly prevents the bursting forth of my [ joyful ? ] feelings abt .
21 The memory was so strong that he lost himself in it .
22 His belief in travel for the common man was so strong that he overcame many financial difficulties to establish his business .
23 His passion , his arousal which the mere sight of her had provoked , was so strong that he wondered that she could not feel it too ; it seemed to hang , a living thing , in the air between them .
24 Her own memories were so strong that she feared that she would burst into hysterics before him , and that would never do .
25 Her conviction that the Virgin was calling her was so strong that she felt able to defy the priest .
26 Her own awareness of him was so strong that she felt she could have tracked him anywhere , just by the dizzying sensation of his presence .
27 Claudia was drowning in a sea of sensations so strong that she wanted to rip away the clothes that kept them apart .
28 The full impact of it seemed to come from the roof , and was so strong that she jerked up in bed .
29 It was so strong that she put a hand to her head and swayed .
30 They clung together , her body offering no resistance as his mouth became more ruthless , more demanding , creating a desire in her so strong that she moaned softly .
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