Example sentences of "as if they [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , when Jessica had locked her car with all the others at the Moira roundabout — travel-sharing , she assumed , hardheaded Ulstermen saving on the petrol — Rory had walked up to her and kissed her lightly on the mouth as if they owned each other .
2 It 's not as if they get much study done the last week or so anyway . ’
3 The road cut a swath through the centre of the belt of trees , and as the gig passed between them they seemed to menace , arms grotesquely waving , as if they resented this intrusion through their territory .
4 When the last penitent left I strolled to the back of the chapel and was surprised to see three young contra soldiers gazing rather wistfully in through the door — as if they felt unworthy to set foot inside .
5 The predatory spirits , on the other hand , are described as if they bore actual malice toward humans .
6 All four blushed as if they had one heart .
7 His kiss was leisurely as if they had all the time in the world to explore each other , and he could afford to wait for her response , confident in his own powers of arousing it .
8 He kissed her again , his lips lingering on hers as if they had all the time in the world .
9 It was about how to deal with a road accident and I arranged for a smashed-up car to be towed into the studio , and for actors to sprawl around , made-up to look as if they had appalling injuries .
10 ( Or : At first it did n't look as if they had much in common . )
11 Figure 9–3(b) illustrates the special ease where A and B have identical utility functions or , alternatively , where it is accepted that A and B ought always to be treated as if they had identical utility functions .
12 It was n't as if they had some sort of relationship ; he had taken her out only to help her with her search .
13 The rest were a maze of villages with names that sounded like the refrain for a pantomime song , villages whose lives were as far removed from those Manchester lives he had known for so long that it was as if they inhabited another planet .
14 Hyam also deplores the recent ‘ willingness of Third World governments to adopt the peculiar Purity laws and conventions of Britain in the 1880s as if they represented ultimate truths about human civilisation ’ .
15 Then , as if to break the spell , the sheep dogs began to bark frenziedly and the nearby sheep stampeded as if they sensed impending danger .
16 A particular sanctity was attached to victims of the river , as if they embodied some terrible truth .
17 He had decided to act as if they liked each other ; he did n't know how he affected her and he was n't going to know .
18 Although , in the novel , the house awaits the return of Sir Leicester and Lady Dedlock , in the picture it appears as if they have that moment left , abandoning their ordinary occupations .
19 But at all times I would prefer them to act as if they have non-speaking parts .
20 Now the 27 year-old sculptor specialises In beautifully complex human and animal forms , steeped in classical influences and burnished or weathered to make them look as if they have several lifetimes of history behind them .
21 ‘ What I really need to know is , when can Crevecoeur begin … work ? ’ she said , spitting the words out as if they tasted bad .
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