Example sentences of "as their [adj] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Both schools of thought defined here , then , would claim to have as their central focus the child 's welfare , although it appears that the ‘ society-as-parent ’ school more often uses this phrase or phrases like it , while the other group tends to talk about the family .
2 Profit-orientated : private sector organizations that have as their primary objective the pursuit of profit .
3 Editorial standards in the media operate for the most part well inside those limits , with the criminal law invoked chiefly against publications which have as their primary function the exploitation of those limits through material traded as ‘ forbidden fruit ’ .
4 A number of the writers we discuss below have as their primary concern the extent to which technological change will either increase or reduce class consciousness and class conflict .
5 Should n't it be the people who have as their driving force the desire to reveal truths about human life ?
6 Sickle cell disease is the genetic name for a group of inherited anaemias which have as their common characteristic the presence of an abnormal haemoglobin called haemoglobin S. The most common member of this group , sickle cell anaemia , is especially prevalent in the Afro-Caribbean population , but people from the Mediterranean , Middle East and Asia are also commonly affected .
7 Although he did not underestimate the dangers of insurgent Communism , and considered it pathetic that the Soviet leaders should have as their strict aim the overtaking of the Capitalist states , he still felt that something might come out of Russia from which all might benefit .
8 Reichian therapy , acupuncture and many other healing techniques have as their basic principle the concept of energy flows in the body .
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