Example sentences of "as if [pers pn] have just " in BNC.

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1 We 'd been discussing something else , and I said it out of the blue , but in my mind it was as if we 'd just been talking about Oliver , and the way she answered , as if she thought we 'd just been talking about Oliver too and there was n't any break in that conversation even though we 'd been through lots of different subjects in the meantime , made me feel very cheerful .
2 You 're going to get more , it 's just as if we had just the big pipe from the
3 Whenever I saw her and Shadwell together they always looked pretty intense , as if they 'd just had a fight or shared a lot of secrets .
4 They had been on stand-by since 10.00 a.m. and it was now after one o'clock , but they were as crisp and well-tailored as if they 'd just stepped on to the plane .
5 as if they 'd just discovered immortality to be
6 Actors learn them off by heart and then they rehearse them masses and masses of times until it sounds as if they 've just thought of them . ’
7 At last , a jazz influenced band who do n't try to look as if they 've just stepped out of the pages of Kerouac .
8 Everyone else , including the screws and the pigs , they all talk as if they 've just learned how .
9 What 's the point of being aggressive with somebody when they 're gon na walk away feeling as if they 've just been walked all over , so you 've still got the same situation you 've got one person walking away feeling a little bit fed up and the other person not so if you talk about assertiveness in terms of aggression and in terms of submission i.e. there 's going to be a winner and there 's going to be a loser depending which way round you look at it then you still have n't quite grasped what we mean by assertiveness .
10 you know , sometimes people , sort of , look as if they 've just got out of bed !
11 but , sort of like er , erm its like so , some of those paintings of the wraps and beautiful boat , they look as if they 've just been photographed , they looked as if they 're a photograph not a oil , oil painting .
12 Yeah , it looks as if they 've just been sort of put in in a heap
13 How can anyone be so arrogant as to talk about this Creature , this Thing , as if they knew It , as if they had just had a letter from It or had chatted to It over the phone , when the It can not be conceived , understood , described , or even proved to exist .
14 It was as if they had just met .
15 They looked rather as if they had just raided an old clothes shop , few of the items of their clothing being a match , and for the most part , fitting only where they touched .
16 His eyebrows looked permanently as if they had just shot up .
17 Then a great many of the bar 's occupants began to behave as if they had just remembered urgent appointments .
18 Why he felt as if they had just agreed to an illicit liaison he did not know , unless it was the air of sexual invitation this woman wore as other women wore perfume , the practised composition of glance and gesture that she used to imply everything whilst proposing nothing .
19 I mean someone who would just sit down and tell you things , as if they had just happened on the way home .
20 It felt to her as if they had just unlocked the key to the whole universe , but she had a feeling that was not what he meant .
21 Foreigners who stutter their way through an inquiry about the way to the railway station are congratulated as if they had just recited Pushkin 's Eugene Onegin , and are asked : ‘ How did you learn Russian ? ’
22 The lecture theatre resonates like a drum with the chatter of a hundred-odd students , all talking at once , as if they have just been released from solitary confinement .
23 In 1965 , in the Brezhnev era to which many old-style Communists were to look back with fond nostalgia , an Englishman observing the May Day festival on Red Square wrote : ‘ The tourists , even the Americans , are delighted : they clap , cheer , photograph , and at the end simply gasp , as if they have just seen the greatest show on earth …
24 That same look full understanding , unwelcome wonder — as if they have just seen everything , even the figure in the dream with his white coat and his black boots and , in his wake , a night sky full of souls .
25 She looked as if she had just got out of bed , and McLeish had a sudden vision of a dark basement flat with greasy mugs on every surface .
26 ‘ I beg your pardon ? ’ said Mrs Cramp again , reeling back as if she had just been slapped in the face .
27 Tina looked guilty , as if she had just betrayed a secret .
28 Her blonde curls looked as if she had just come from a hairdresser rather than from the hand basin in her own bedroom which was where she had washed her hair this morning .
29 She opened the door before Massingham had time to ring , her handsome shield-shaped face composed under the light brown fringe , and looking in her shirt , slacks and leather jerkin as elegantly informal as if she had just come in from a country walk .
30 Her arms felt languorous , her flesh soft and relaxed as if she had just awakened from sleep .
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