Example sentences of "as if [pron] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 We studied the view as if we owned it ;
2 We were reminded , as if we needed it , of another old barker probably on the Air Ministry roof in SW1 , having ordered their Majesties to take good cover .
3 How can anyone be so arrogant as to talk about this Creature , this Thing , as if they knew It , as if they had just had a letter from It or had chatted to It over the phone , when the It can not be conceived , understood , described , or even proved to exist .
4 And as if they knew it they sent another flare up into the sky , so that it glowed bright and cheerful as a street lamp above his path of retreat .
5 She could never ignore them as she passed them on the street , and they , as if they sensed it , turned to her , picking her out at once from a throng of a hundred other pedestrians as the one who saw and heard them .
6 They stayed close to the Oaks , as if they considered it their duty , and they looked as if they might find life a serious business .
7 They both looked as if they needed it .
8 It 's as if she made it herself , ’ he said , munching happily on the fish ball .
9 Mum pushed the door open wide and marched up the room as if she owned it .
10 ‘ Only the other day I was at the vicarage , seeing Mrs Ainger about my stall at the bazaar-I 'm doing the fancy work this year , you know — and there was pussy , bold as brass , if you please , walking into the lounge as if she owned it . ’
11 She 'd offered to lend him the money to have the bike fixed , and when he accepted she said , ‘ I 've broken something precious , have n't I ? ’ and knelt in the street among the bits of glass , looking up at him as if she understood it was more than a lamp she had smashed .
12 The cross she spoke of with hatred , as if she feared it .
13 Looking back on that moment now , she felt it tremble before her , round and perfect as an overfull drip , and she caught her breath at the thought of its transitoriness , its shimmering beauty , and suddenly whispered to herself , ‘ I am happy , ’ as if she feared it might not last forever .
14 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
15 Dora traced an abstract pattern with her finger on the table-cloth , as if she felt it would help the process of recall .
16 ‘ Beauty is less important than character , ’ Turakina said , as if she believed it .
17 Reminding Riva , as if she needed it , of how certain laws ordain that a woman put to shame must be dragged to the temple mount and forced by priests to drink the bitter waters that will either poison her or prove her innocence .
18 It was as if she needed it to support her .
19 And remembering it — it seemed more as if she relived it — her whole body ached , tensed , fidgeted .
20 Maybe something about the way he told it , as if he believed it … maybe the disappearances … or the storm … ’
21 Now I doubt if any modern scientist really believes that mind " and " matter " are distinguishable in this simple dualistic way ; it is simply that the experimental research worker , in his laboratory , is bound , by the context of his work , to act as if he believed it .
22 So we turned up and the fellow had the opportunity , therefore , of hearing his concerto played off by little Wolfgang as if he knew it by heart …
23 She even had to struggle to answer him and he looked as if he knew it .
24 If he publishes untrue defamatory matter recklessly , without considering or caring whether it be true or not , he is in this , as in other branches of the law , treated as if he knew it to be false .
25 He walked , as always , as if he owned it — head held high , even in the driving snow .
26 It was as if he said it not to me , but equally to everything around us ; as if she stood listening , in the dark shadows by the doors ; as if the telling of his past had reminded him of some great principle he was seeing freshly again .
27 Living souls , ’ said Caspar rather hurriedly , as if he thought it might be dangerous to say things like this aloud .
28 He was swilling his sherry with a will , and tugging at his bushy , nicotine-stained moustache as if he expected it to come off .
29 He had shown interest in her work and talked as if he took it seriously .
30 ‘ Looks as if he took it off .
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