Example sentences of "as a part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But another group of commercial programs offer filter design as a part of the package .
2 Moreover , Sainsbury now offers a Cashback facility which allows Switchcard customers to draw up to £30 in cash as a part of the Switch transaction .
3 The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , 1884 Formen is the most detailed discussion of pre-capitalist society in Marx 's mature work and it really can not be understood except as a part of the background for the more fully completed works Marx was either planning or did wrote , especially Capital .
4 You could win a week at Springs Hydro — and bring a friend or partner along with you as a part of the prize .
5 But later , when details come to be worked out , it appears as a part of the ‘ limited ’ investigation into the causes of particular effects .
6 God is known neither as a part of the world nor as identical with the world , but as that which transcends the world .
7 Speedsailing is now firmly established as a part of the competitive scene , with events all over the world including the famous course in England at Weymouth .
8 Now , with Government aid as a part of the national British Shipbuilders , modern equipment has been installed but there is less work due to foreign competition .
9 The tremendous sense of liberation is in seeing this not as an obstacle to faith , a rock of doubt which blocks progress , but as a part of the essence of life itself .
10 Not only does this mean that science is handled by a senior member of the Canadian cabinet — a tax lawyer who once said that the last thing that Canada needs is more tax lawyers — but also it means that science and technology are seen as a part of the process of economic development .
11 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
12 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
13 So long as does increase and the organic composition of capital is not increasing rapidly , it will represent future consumption by productive workers , but will still be considered as a part of the surplus-value .
14 This essay will take up the theme of dominant ideologies and local communities as a part of the wider methodological problem of how we , as anthropologists , consider the nature of the relationship between the communities we study and the wider world they inhabit .
15 Some learning , some development of skills , may be present , especially among higher animals , but the basic and intrinsic format is always present , instinctively , as a part of the basic mind structure or instinct of the creature .
16 Whilst controversy may continue to rage over the most desirable structure for local government and as to the measure of control which central government should exercise over it , the case for having some such structure as the present as a part of the make-up of the constitution remains an imperative both of history and of modern democratic ideals .
17 This involves a slight drop in picture quality , but the copying can be done as a part of the editing routine ( see page 82 ) and the loss in quality is then offset by improvements in presentation that editing inevitably brings .
18 These men and women always belong to and are made sense of only as a part of the collective — the race , the nation , the state , the republic , the class , etc .
19 By using drama as a part of the learning process , English teachers will be providing experiences for pupils which will help them make an informed choice when considering drama as a subject option , whether for GCSE or as part of a non-examined course in combined or expressive arts .
20 Staff meals are regarded as a part of the food cost and not recorded separately .
21 And then when the invitations to speak to the Housewives ’ Register and Parish Council started rolling in , I realized that CHE had been noted as a part of the life of the town and it had a lot of potential friends .
22 In that case , the application developer should use tools that are provided as a part of the programmable gateway to write a program to access the data in the robot controller .
23 For the whole basis of Sartre 's argument is that the dialectic of history is not a metaphysical law , ‘ some powerful unitary force revealing itself behind History like the will of God ’ , but the continuously produced effect of individual conflicts ; each action is in its turn subsumed as a part of the whole in an ever broader , developing totalization ( I , 37 ) .
24 I do n't know whether other other places have have erm kept that as a part of the I do n't know if it 's in the national curriculum .
25 We like to think of you not as clients , but as guests , or as you may well discover even as a part of the family .
26 Elsewhere , decentralization was seen less as a clean break , more as a part of the natural cycle of urban growth and change ( Hall 1981 ) .
27 This worked as a part of the discourse he was involved in ( the interview ) even if he did use a grammatical construction which might well have got a red line through it if he had written it as part of a school essay .
28 A region is mediated in our everyday life in the form of various symbols , which are the same for all individuals in the one region , though the meanings associated with them will always be construed personally on the basis of the individual 's life situation and biography … though the regions of a society obtain their ultimate personal meanings in the practices of everyday life , these meanings can not be totally reduced to experiences that constitute everyday life , since a region bears with it institutionally mediated practices and relations , the most significant being the history of the region as a part of the spatial structure of the society in question .
29 It was then adopted into the health services at community care level and now operates as a part of the services .
30 The chapter/section idea(s) : these will be much more concrete , are usually expressed in the first and/or last paragraphs and should be seen as a part of the wider themes/theses of the book .
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