Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Our first trek , up Gunung Mulu , was the hardest of the whole expedition and came as a shock to the system .
2 Emergence of difference is often experienced as a shock to the whole system , a sudden puncturing of the illusion of sameness .
3 Nevertheless , with repeated French insinuations that they had neither the means nor the intention of reconquering Vietnam , it obviously came as a shock to the US to discover that this was exactly what France seemed to have in mind .
4 For such conditioning to occur , the animal must learn to respond to a mild stimulus which would not normally cause the withdrawal in the same way as if it were a strong one , such as a shock to the tail , which does cause withdrawal .
5 The demand for subject access may have come as a shock to the library profession but , more importantly , it raised a very fundamental issue : that is , the role of the catalogue in providing access to the library collection .
6 19ff ) ; one of the earliest attested acts of faith centred upon the near sacrifice of a human being ( Isaac , son of Abraham ) , replaced at the last moment by a substitute ram which was given as a burnt-offering ( Gen. 22 ) ; and the first redemption of the embryonic nation Israel involved the smearing of the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts and lintels of the Hebrews ' homes in Egypt as a sign to the Angel of Death to leave them in safety ( Exod.
7 The production also takes on board the point Anne Barton makes in the programme that Shakespeare , following Livy , sees Coriolanus as a threat to the balance of the state .
8 But it will reduce the likelihood of those forces re-emerging as a threat to the West and favour a better military balance between the former Soviet republics .
9 Numbers of Americans and Britons have doubled in the past decade but , at 40,000 and 11,000 respectively , they are not seen as a threat to the social fabric in the same way as the Iranians and other Asians .
10 Many saw the proposed I.D.P. as a threat to the natural environment , and in particular the machair with its very high botanical and ornithological interest .
11 Fundamentally the whole complex of hostility towards homosexuality is a reflection of a biological imperative to procreate , in which the homosexual is seen as a threat to the species , ‘ unnatural ’ , and therefore worthy of condemnation .
12 Girls were alleged to have tendencies towards ‘ flirtation ’ , and were usually seen as a threat to the healthy development of the boy .
13 The government saw chena cultivation as a threat to the state 's right to forest land , a matter of some importance because the sale of Crown land provided a significant proportion of official revenue in the nineteenth century .
14 The impetus behind the NBA was the problem in Victorian times of widespread and severe price cutting in the retail book trade , which was seen as a threat to the viability of booksellers and publishers .
15 The Labour leadership , fully committed to the Churchill coalition , tended to see pressure from below more as a threat to the orderly regimentation of the people , than as a source of constructive initiative .
16 Any threat to the Sabbath day was seen as a threat to the Jewish faith as a whole .
17 Some organisations do not see culture shock as a threat to the completion of a term of work abroad .
18 Mosley 's turn to political anti-semitism was signalled by his Albert Hall meeting in October 1934 when he attacked both the ‘ big ’ Jews who were seen as a threat to the nation 's economy and the ‘ little ’ Jews who allegedly swamped the cultural identity of localities where they settled .
19 Certainly MacArthur 's economic advisors were horrified to find on their arrival from the US , that the need for liberal competition was being used to justify a purge of thousands of business leaders , and they viewed the dissolution of the zaibatsu as a threat to the whole fabric of Japanese capitalism .
20 This was perceived as a threat to the Plantagenets in Aquitaine .
21 Mary Stocks later wrote that ‘ this was a solemn thought for opponents who had formerly visualized family allowances as a threat to the wage earner 's incentive … it was her [ Eleanor Rathbone 's ] turn to talk of economic incentive now ’ .
22 This relationship has been a concern , however , of those who perceive the growth of central government financing as a threat to the independence of local government .
23 With work plentiful , the women 's influence was " not … much felt … but with the start of depression , more attention was focused on them as a threat to the employment of journeymen " By 1879 , the STC reported that while " the influx of females " was " not unbearably felt " while trade was good , " now the necessity on purely philanthropic grounds of course , of keeping the ladies supplied with copy " , had led to " dispensing with the services of a large number of journeymen " .
24 The poor , or " the mob or mere dregs of the people " as Henry Fox , father of Charles James , once called them , were seen not only as wholly unfit to rule , being ignorant and lacking the independence which property supposedly conferred , but even as a threat to the freedom for which England was internationally renowned .
25 Thus in 1296 he consulted his council of magnates who advised him that a certain papal provision would prejudice the crown ; and in 1299 he contested the pope 's claim to sovereignty over Scotland as a threat to the dignity of his crown .
26 Printers who refuse to print some particular item in a newspaper are denounced as wreckers , and as a threat to the freedom of the press .
27 Not only was ‘ Dositejism ’ denounced by Metropolitan Stratimirović because of its anticlericalism , its suspected ‘ Protestantism ’ and its attachment to an alien western culture , but it was also seen as a threat to the language .
28 External control , whether from abroad or from the South , was widely seen again in the later 1980s as a threat to the North .
29 What from the central perspective might be seen as an instrument of public expenditure control , from the local level might be seen as a threat to the fabric of local government itself .
30 Not only is there a continuing fear of firms corrupting politicians in the search for contracts , this close connection between industry and the military is seen as a threat to the balance of the American economy .
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