Example sentences of "as a [noun] [noun] rather " in BNC.

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1 In North Shields the river , the literal reason for the place , is now being seen as a consumption goodie rather than a production possibility .
2 It is more accurate to see the East Anglian affinity as a court connection rather than a narrowly Woodville one .
3 It is more accurate to see the East Anglian affinity as a court connection rather than a narrowly Woodville one .
4 The first is that Form N111 was used as a committal order rather than Form N79 .
5 First published in 1962 and now in its 4th edition ( 1980 ) , this fulfils a role as a reference text rather better than a student text , in that it has hundreds of references but no problems .
6 As though you know erm after all head known all about it this is the to himself and by doing that then abbreviated then , that 's when the reader was supposed to take it as a thought process rather than a
7 Up to now it has been run as a cost centre rather than a profit maker , but the Broadcasting Act specified change .
8 This was common to much of England but the local feature was the use of flints as a building material rather than the freestone carved out of quarries elsewhere .
9 But I class Sendero Luminoso as a terrorist organization rather than a liberation movement , which is only capable of reproducing in a different form the structural violence which destroys peasant organizations and delivers death threats .
10 Many data are collected regularly and routinely , particularly by government agencies , local authorities , etc. , so that , again , we have These observations are best thought of as a time series rather than a longitudinal study since the whole community of a country or region ( rather than a sample ) is generally involved .
11 A user will be presented with the option of saving as a PDF file rather than sending the document to the printer .
12 The notion of removing Saddam Hussein is a more probable outcome if in fact we continue to move as a world effort rather than a U S effort to unilaterally move in military
13 I do n't call these er interviews I call them discussions because they are self employed positions and er I seem them as a business opportunity rather than a job quote job .
14 Apart from the movement over the Downs , the Germanic settlers moved inland along the rivers ; the attack on the Weald already had the Romano-British experience to build on and , given the distribution of the rivers , can be seen as a pincer movement rather than a direct push northwards .
15 Local people are bemused by the influx of Britons attracted by semi-derelict farmhouses and where the environment is an issue , as on the Côte d'Opale , the main consideration is its future as a tourist venue rather than a haven for native Frenchmen .
16 Richard Gephardt , the majority leader in the House of Representatives , warned him that if he introduced health-care reform on the coat-tails of his budget , it would be seen as a tax issue rather than a health issue .
17 VAT and PAYE ) , where the company acts as a tax collector rather than a taxpayer , the Cork Committee considered that the Crown should be given a preference as other creditors had no legitimate expectation of payment from this source .
18 The Whigs mangle the ‘ Paint It Black ’ riff and insert it vigorously and repeatedly into the dry , dusty shell of a sad song about masturbation as a lifestyle priority rather than an optional extra .
19 Share prices began to rise steeply in 1927 as people with money to spare increasingly saw the stock market as a gambling casino rather than as a business centre .
20 Furthermore , the amount of any distribution received on such ordinary shares which will be treated as an income distribution rather than a return of capital will be increased to take account of the deferred repayment of premium accrued at the date of conversion ( see s210 TA 1988 ) .
21 As house becomes a serious commercial proposition ( in a recent poll of 13- to 17-year-olds , nearly 40 per cent made ‘ acid house ’ their musical preference ) , many are going underground , viewing dance music as an art form rather than a way to generate karma with bank managers .
22 The tie-up with Sun is part of CDC 's plan to broaden the range of hardware platforms on which it can offer its software in its new role as an integration outfit rather than a hardware manufacturer .
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