Example sentences of "go on well [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The emotional and mental link tying the child to its mother is usually very powerful , and goes on well after the physical birth itself .
2 It was presented in a further long meeting , going on well into the early hours of the morning , when George Elvin , having conferred with several of his senior colleagues on my telephone , returned to say that they would accept the proposal .
3 Sometimes I wish we did , but our school , in fact , is open five/six days a week and very often there are activities going on well into the evening .
4 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
5 Enquiries on the ship to establish ownership of the goods went on well into the wee small hours , continuing the following day , Sunday .
6 Then of course there were the social occasions and Dave threw a truly memorable ceilidh at his house before we left , which went on well into the wee small hours .
7 For the first time in my life , my hair behaved itself and curled round my face in a manner which I considered most flattering , and my make-up went on well on a skin which did n't have one spot or blemish .
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