Example sentences of "go to [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 Are you going to bonfire at the weekend ?
2 And so you 're going to work at the things that will get you in there are n't you ?
3 She was so surprised by the warmth of his smile , by his being able to smile so frankly , so like a friend , that when he said he was going to lunch at the Blue Lagoon and would she come too , she said yes , all right , without thinking .
4 Social activities Provided that they do not stop you going to bed at the proper time , social activities are a very good way of adjusting to the new time zone , particularly if they enable you to spend time out-of-doors in natural daylight at the times recommended in Table 11.2 .
5 Before the National Government banned Britons going to Spain at the beginning of 1937 there were already more than 600 men in the British Battalion of the International Brigade , organized by the Communist Party of Great Britain , while others , such as George Orwell , identified with the Independent Labour Party activists who fought with POUM , a Catalan anarcho-syndicalist group .
6 I wondered who was going to tea at the pavillon .
7 Mr Viktor Dimitriev , 27 , registered in Valka , leaps the Frog river to go to work at the train depot in Valga .
8 Mr Larkin says his suffering is worse for knowing that Gary had only agreed to go to Chorley at the last minute after two people , a man and a woman , had spoken separately to him on the phone .
9 Yeah because if you want to go to Southwell at the present moment you go on a bus and you got to wait two hours to get one back .
10 On Wednesday they attend the launch of BBC Radio Goes to Town at the Town Hall , followed by the John Butterwick Trust annual ecumenical thanksgiving service at Stockton parish church .
11 Now , a fox , an owl , a ferret and a rat went to church at the weekend for a special service to bless animals .
12 ‘ I wish we went to bed at the same time .
13 And for some time after that they went to bed at the same time and Ellen gave up both Jed and the Director of Social Services ; and when both threatened , in grief , spite and unreason , to report her infidelity to Bernard , said , ‘ Tell away ! ’ and neither of them did , which rather disappointed her .
14 One went to bed at the house … and awoke to find himself first being strangled , then taken to a bath .
15 He woke up every day and went to work at the ice-cream parlour , but he began to hate the taste , the sight , the very thought of it .
16 For several afternoons a week she went to work at the Young England kindergarten run by Victoria Wilson and Kay Seth-Smith in St Saviour 's church hall in Pimlico .
17 And for soon after that me father had to give up the mine be because of his health and he went to work at the depot er were the bus depot and he worked in the battery house where they made all the batteries up , charged the batteries for the buses , looked after the electrical side there was electrician , he were n't , me father were n't electrician but he was working with electrician but his main job was charging the batteries , putting them on in groups in the , in the er battery house and charging house , to keep all the batteries charged up for all the buses petrol buses tr and trolley buses .
18 He had little schooling , and went to work at the age of twelve , apprenticed to an uncle in a chemist and druggist business in Chesterfield .
19 She had originally run it with first husband Stephen and then went to work at the Midland pub opposite Central station .
20 She had originally run it with first husband Stephen and then went to work at the Midland pub opposite Central station .
21 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
22 because er Saturday Bill went to work at the weekend
23 I went to university at the Sorbonne in Paris , entered the royal service , and joined the French crown 's legion of secret agents called the Luciferi , the Light-Bearers .
24 He went to Kinrimund at the end of the month , on the heels of two silly clashes between troops from the new church-fortresses in Lothian and their opposite numbers in the property of St Cuthbert .
25 Doris and Jim went to school at the same time as me .
26 A special award went to Stewart at the annual pop ceremony for a lifetime 's achievement , while Hucknall took best British male artist and best British group trophies .
27 He left a meticulously explanatory note on her dressing-table to say that he and the child would be telephoning , and went to ground at the airport hotel .
28 William MacGillivray was born in Old Aberdeen , but went to Harris at the age of three and spent eight childhood years there .
29 They went to dinner at the Hall .
30 I also went to classes at the local clinic but they were a low-key sort of affair .
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