Example sentences of "go down [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The descent to the south passes the relics of an abandoned lead mine and arrives at Clouds Gill to join the old mine road which goes down past the limekilns to The Street and the waiting car .
2 All that water that goes th that goes down through the machines is all sent back to top
3 He works in the hospitals , he goes down to the projects in the Bronx .
4 They 'd there 's a little back staircase that goes down to the kitchens — sorry , lad , galley !
5 There 's nobody more sensible , but underneath all the sense there 's the woman , and her needs , and the feeling that she 's going to go down through the years alone .
6 He was then required to go down to the ranges to practise shooting with the 9 mm pistol .
7 Times to go down to the pits and the sun came out .
8 You do n't want to go down to the slides yet ?
9 I ought to go down to the police station .
10 They said I might have to go down to the police station and be interviewed there later in their inquiries .
11 He had braved the bitter weather to go down to the bookshops on the Charing Cross Road not just for the chance to get some books — he could have bought them any time — but principally to meet Joseph Hyde and hear the latest news from Dublin .
12 And was the water there to go down into the villages ?
13 Calling for the " strengthening of ties between the party and the masses " , it made seven demands : ( i ) adherence to the mass line ( i.e. policy making and implementation in line with the interests of the people ) ; ( ii ) officials to go down among the masses ; ( iii ) the strengthening of socialist democracy and the legal system ; ( iv ) fighting official corruption ; ( v ) supervision , internal and from outside ; ( vi ) the need for exemplary behaviour from party members ; and ( vii ) raising political ( Marxist ) awareness .
14 Because it was an old house that they were renovating , and it had got so much rot in it and woodworm , and he said he said he said th there they were walking up one minute and the next minute the piano was just going down through the stairs .
15 Sometimes I 'd watch their kites going down into the fields overhead , down until they dwindled away out of sight , long before they reached the tops of the trees You ca n't do that often , though , because of all the smog .
16 Or , for instance , the floating roadway where traffic was going down on the barges to go across the river , it would be well worth any particular company to have a word with the officer on the floating roadway to let their vehicles through first .
17 Chris Pike is back in the side to play Chester tomorrow after going down with the snuffles and sneezes .
18 I made a fuss about being first in the queue going down to the car-decks .
19 I thought you was going down to the garages ?
20 Going down to the Hogans again are you ? ’ she said , sounding slightly put out .
21 Going down to the valleys .
22 Oh well I 'll have to try , try keep going down to the courses down to Toshiba .
23 A world leader with the security industry is actually going down to the levels of the one man and a dog outfit .
24 Venture capitalists like to keep close tabs on their investments , going down to the offices of the fledging chief executive officers once a week , putting their feet up on the desk and playing father confessor .
25 ‘ I 'm going down to the Customs House . ’
26 Now look here , if you honestly think that I 'm going down to the police station and verifying a story like that then you can think again !
27 He got out of the planes coming , we , we was coming over from de Laborgie and you give him the needle and I had to lead him off the lead him off the plane , and going down over the chimneys in Chantilly to landu Laborgie he goes , woo ooh ooh , getting ready you know .
28 Hillside pair Paul Williams and Phil Kenyon had a blank day losing their morning foursomes 4 & 3 and both going down in the singles .
29 And he would go away , he would n't say , Come on we 'll go down to the cleaners and tell them , he would go away himself you see .
30 ‘ Would never go down to the cellars like everyone else when the air-raid siren went .
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