Example sentences of "go [adv prt] [conj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What we are concerned about though is the amount of injecting that goes on and obviously the sharing of needles and syringes because of the risks of H I V , the AIDS virus , and of course other health risks like hepatitis and abscesses er septicaemia , whatever .
2 The head is made , erm , the tail , all the bits are made and eventually they , they all stick together like a kind of Lego , and the result is a new bacteria is made and this goes on until eventually the cell , there are so many inside the cell , that erm the cell just ruptures , when there 're about two hundred or so , the cell is now bulging with T four bacteria , it ruptures and releases a whole blob of new ones to start the cycle all over again .
3 The trouble is , wrote Harsnet , that if you start with this insight it is difficult to go on and then the energies , the needs and desires , turn inward and eat you up .
4 I mean they paid to go in and just the sa and the women looked alright .
5 He added : ‘ There is a mountain of work to go through but hopefully the answer lies in the mountain . ’
6 She drifted , quietly invisible , among the clansfolk going in and out the great gate , past the sentries , across the courtyard to the door in the far corner .
7 I like watching her going up and down the baths .
8 But instead of a hosereel going up and down the field , you have a tractor and an injector . ’
9 Worst of all , one auxiliary , feeding a number of people , was going up and down the rows of bowls on bed-tables with one spoon which she filled from each person 's bowl and put into each person 's mouth before going onto someone else with the same spoon to repeat the process .
10 Like Lawrence of Arabia going up and down the majestic sand dunes , he has over the years risen to great heights , and plummeted to great depths .
11 We knew that little boys would be going up and down the platform singing out ‘ Banbury cakes !
12 It also has a very attractive promenade and a small harbour from where boats set off to go up and down the lake .
13 She started to go up and down the ladder , carrying the straw .
14 Though its popularity goes up and down a little according to the fashion of the year , the genre is plainly here to stay .
15 Yeah so when people are saying , Well simple harmonic motion or erm you know throwing a stone up and down that sort of thing roughly is n't it sort of one of them goes up and down a lot like that one of them just goes up once and down same equation .
16 Her head goes up and down every time you put a forkful in .
17 The Farmer goes up and down the rows ‘ watering ’ the ‘ plants ’ and chanting :
18 ‘ It will go on until either the cancer gets me or I survive .
19 The support man must strip the ball clear , the blocks must go in and then the drive can take place .
20 ‘ It was not until we were into the season that the transfer went through and then the price was £2.1m .
21 A but seeing that the official figures were published every month our wages went up or down every month .
22 It was a hard days work when you went up and down a drill like that , lift the neep and yeuk lift the neep and yeuk and hope you get
23 In that erm , in that mermaid outfit , and earning some ridiculous amount of money for an hour , while other models went up and down a catwalk for a tenth of the money , or something .
24 For days he backed the little transport box into the huge mound and went up and down the fields in lines , stopping the tractor every few yards to scatter the lime , tossing each shovelful on the wind for the white dust to be blown out over the grass .
25 Our Father went up and down the aisle with a microphone , leading the singing in a tuneless baritone which boomed from a loudspeaker at the front of the bus .
26 Then he went up and down the room holding a walking stick , just like the old gentlemen who walked in the streets .
27 This roller skated juggler went up and down the overlay several times whilst juggling .
28 There was a typewriter involved too and as the lift went up and down the typewriter 's bell tinkled metallically .
29 They 'd search the glass-tip , the marl-hole , the brickyard , and they 'd go up and down the canal tow-path , looking under the bridges .
30 Fly to Brittany , take the boat down to Nice , go up and down the coast , then the Adriatic or other parts of the Med .
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