Example sentences of "go [to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 She said : ‘ Too many people want to go to attend and we have just not got the space to accommodate them . ’
2 But that does n't apa , but what they look like is not going to affect whether I support the Ministerial Committee or not .
3 Sometimes he 's so determined he 's not going to go that we have to forcibly put him out of the door and get him into the car and get him there somehow .
4 colour this is not going to go where I want it to go .
5 Unless you hit the ball absolutely right , it is n't going to go where you want it to go .
6 ‘ No one 's going to see whether you 've got them on or not .
7 Well , I 'm going to see that you do n't do the same . ’
8 KNOW beforehand where to put the cross when you reach the sanctuary and where you are going to sit when you have put the cross in place .
9 So I 'm going to promise and you 've got to remind me about this promise that the next Tuesday , that 's when you 're or even Wednesday , but if I give it you Tuesday we can be organized for Wednesday ca n't we ?
10 I 'm going to wait before I change my car until you 've got your own car and then I
11 ‘ I 'm going to wait until you 've all jumped out , and then I 'm going to tell you to catch me , ’ said Dorcas pleasantly .
12 can we just erm clarify that Mr , of course it 's dealing with the previous years accounts , but until you get to the end of the previous year are you going to know whether you 've over or under est estimated on budget ?
13 You do n't know who you 're going to meet when you get outside .
14 The more it rains , the fuller the stream will get and the bigger the problem , so really , time is the most important factor , especially as we do n't really know what we 're going to find when we get down there . ’
15 And in so far as it , as the question arises erm of what kind of , of provisions erm are you going to find if you go abroad , erm then I think we can say that within the European Community , erm citizens of one member state are entitled to what the citizens of the member state in which they happen to be staying are entitled to .
16 who 's going this , who , what , who 's going to answer if they put a hundred and fifty , a hundred and seventy thousand , five pound down and nobody will watching it being who did it ?
17 But I was going to suggest that we order a copy of the book .
18 ‘ I 'm going to suggest that you talk to one of my colleagues in future , ’ Dr Mackintosh said , keeping his temper .
19 I am not going to suggest that you play hard to get .
20 ‘ The market is not going to grow until we get away from this distress purchase idea — that 's the easy way of selling it .
21 ‘ The market is not going to grow until we get away from this distress purchase idea — that 's the easy way of selling it ’ — Peter Karsten
22 A trumpet arrives offering a million ducats and freedom : I 'm not going to surrender when I know I 'm going to win anyway — or at least get supplies to hang on until something happens to Zacco .
23 So far as Richard was concerned if his father was eventually going to insist that he give up his conquests then it was at least possible that he would get better terms if he approached Philip directly and offered to abide by the judgement of the French court .
24 But of course if we 're going to do that we need somewhere to start and where we 're going to start is that I 'm going to ask you to each to make a presentation , a very short presentation .
25 I think we have to be a little bit careful about this because , of course , erm the feeling is not that once they 've been in the job for a little while that they are still amateurs , it 's merely that we do n't require them to know a great deal about what they 're going to do before they start .
26 Mark , you should say what you 're going to do before you do it !
27 But what are you going to do if you park and with whom ?
28 War 's been declared and all you can think about , all you can talk about is what you 're going to do if I do n't stop seeing Carrie . ’
29 For the moment , at least , you 're going to do as I say . ’
30 ‘ What are we going to do when we make contact ? ’
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