Example sentences of "go [adv] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One that goes down on the floor !
2 ‘ The residents are all going to oppose this , and a lot of them are planning to go along on the day of the appeal , ’ she said .
3 You could be very happy if you are not putting your enjoyment in second place or you could be making the most enormous compromises because you lack the courage to go alone on the sort of holiday that you would really enjoy .
4 Danny has to go down on the floor , put his hands on hips and go , evening all !
5 And course that used t that used to go down on the bed and when you pulled that be there so many years , your hands all went purple and that 'd be days before that went off .
6 times He 'll have good times Goin' oot on the randan But
7 When a guest checks in the receptionist allocates a room showing a green light ; he or she presses a switch and the green light goes off on the board as well as on the cashier 's and housekeeper 's boards .
8 I used to go home on the train with striped legs .
9 I did not often take part in the passeggiata because soon after school ended I had to go home on the tram , but sometimes a schoolfriend of mine called Wilma used to invite me to stay the night if there was a lot of homework to be done .
10 Judging from the excitement going on on the jetty . ’
11 KEYS : ‘ But it is not just a question of what is going on on the park , it 's what 's happening elsewhere that we 're beginning to hear and read about and that 's never been the case at Liverpool previously , ever .
12 Sara went to the top of the spiral staircase and crouched , listening to the argument going on on the floor below .
13 In idle moments or when there is not a lot going on on the dump , they fly across to annoy the birds on the pools .
14 I get the impression that the disappearance last year of Sounds and Record Mirror caused more than a slight fluttering in the dovecote and that the paper has since tended to concentrate more on This Week 's Sensation and less on the diverting things going on on the fringe .
15 it 's not as if there 's anywhere where you can hire a bike I 'm sure you know , but , I suppose you 're going along on the road , across the road I
16 If I had n't insisted on you going along on the drop we would have absolutely no proof that it had ever taken place !
17 ‘ It was n't worth going down on the off-chance , or so I thought .
18 And er then they started blacklegs and when they started the rest of the firms all came as well then and I remember er going down on the picket lines and er they 'd be all the members there .
19 This is going down on the table .
20 The section then dived down to attack , Yellow I ( Jeffries ) going in on the starboard quarter and I dived down and made a quarter-astern attack from below , opening fire at 400 yards and closing to 50 yards , giving the e/a three bursts of three seconds each .
21 But said that they went on Tuesday evening they had some people over and they were looking we were gon na go for a meal in Chorley er they 'd come over from Grantham , and they were going over on the night on the night ferry , on night boat from Hollyhead .
22 The tread is most unusual , having slightly raised areas to correct any tendency to pronation or supination ( going over on the inside of your heel or the outside of your toes . )
23 Oh no , look buns are going off on the floor everywhere !
24 I mean , it 's only going up on the wall with those three others .
25 Going up on the board outside ?
26 The women had got into the way of going up on the deck every evening .
27 The time I went before that , I got erm , like a frostbitten thumb , because I was going up on the chair lift , and er , I dropped one of my gloves , and it was quite a cold day , so by the time I 'd got to the top , and skied all the way back down , and then down the road going back to try and find me gloves , because I had borrowed them from a friend ,
28 ‘ Why , going up on the beam instead of you . ’
29 It led to a hallway , with stairs going up on the left .
30 I mean , you could see it going up on the hill above you .
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