Example sentences of "go [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The very term ‘ course ’ implies a definite path of study ; the student is not going to go wandering all over the intellectual map .
2 Another orange goes bounding away up the corridor ahead of them , under the feet of one of Summerchild 's colleagues who is approaching from the opposite direction , coming back from lunch .
3 When you 're giving feedback to people , yes , there were going to bad things about what they 've done , yes , there 's going to be good things , but if you can catch the bad things between two good things , even if the good things are just saying thank you , they 're going to go away with a bigger smile on their face , and probably feel more motivated for the next time they do that task .
4 Cos we had to repack it you see because it was going to take a it was going to take probably not it was going to go right to the end with this lot on .
5 Now this is and I must admit when he pulled the trigger then I thought that was going to go right in the back of the net .
6 the wall just going to go straight across the garden
7 All the files from us , the Carabinieri , the Finance people , everything , is going to go straight into the computer .
8 There were even rumours that it was going to go straight through the middle of Henry s house , a thought that , somewhat to his surprise , filled him with savage pleasure .
9 To be perfectly frank , I need Number 29 if I 'm going to go ahead with the scheme . ’
10 A BAF spokesman , Tony Ward , said : ‘ We will have to talk to Livingston and his advisers to find out whether they are still going to go ahead with the appeal . ’
11 But I am still going to sit right at the back of the aeroplane away from you !
12 She 's going to sit there in the hospital , and they 'll keep an eye on her and someone will put her on the evening bus , just as she planned .
13 ‘ Not that anyone 's going to come anyway at the moment .
14 I mean , there was no way I was going to come across as an anal retentive simply because I had pride in my appearance .
15 So but nevertheless we will look at a little bit at those peripheral things , but we 're going to concentrate mainly on the design and on the delivery of a presentation so that 's what we want to what we want to look at over the next two days .
16 For instance , you know I do n't have regular help , I 've usually cleaned the house myself , well now I 'm not going to clean upstairs except the drawing room , so you must do it yourself or else employ someone .
17 But , this time , she was not going to walk straight into the trap .
18 Just as though he had not been going to walk past into the kitchen , he wheeled , and pounded up the stairs in front of her .
19 Earlier however Kelburne looked as though they were going to walk all over the young Aberdonians when they raced into a 2-0 advantage from scores by David McKay and Michael Starling but a goal by Philip Webster just before half time gave the northerners a timely boost .
20 Let the Stapletons know that you 're going to walk home across the moor . ’
21 Well I think the whole problem is erm is really we should some someone 's got to ask the question are are final , final salary schemes going to last well into the next century .
22 ‘ We are going to negotiate hard with the department to see that we get things moving . ’
23 In my message I told them that I was going to fly close to the control tower to see if they could tell me what was wrong with my port wheel , but again no reply from control .
24 Voluntary organizations will need to demonstrate their willingness to work with people with severe long-term problems if they are going to contribute seriously to the real work of a service , and they will need professional support and training to do this more arduous work .
25 Well I 'm going to start today by a number of questions , general questions about foreign policy .
26 Not all employees are going to react negatively to a relocation abroad .
27 Chairman , er if I might I was going to refer again to the care carefully worded recommendation which does n't actually mention the level of erm it simply mentions erm er a modest extent of under provision because clearly it says elsewhere in the report at two ten that it 's not yet known whether there will be opportunities elsewhere , so that 's a particular shortfall in provision to be made up .
28 The weather for the Fox area : scattered heavy showers are gradually going to die away during the evening to leave the night dry with skies becoming mainly clear , so it will be rather cold with the temperature dropping to a dawn low of around five degrees celsius — that 's forty-one degrees fahrenheit .
29 The North , outplayed in all departments , were never going to score twice against the meanest defence in Group Six ( five clean sheets in succession ) and a third Republic goal , a 20-yarder from Ray Houghton , served only to improve their useful goal difference .
30 Not that Sebastiao Lazaroni , the Brazilian manager , was ever going to learn much about the Dutch last night that he did not already know .
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