Example sentences of "what he said [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What he said at the Tory Party Conference last year was that he was going to set the agenda ; the environmental agenda for the nineties .
2 There is something in what he said about a prospective demographic change over the next 10 or 20 years .
3 But what he said about the role technology would play in the war seems to have been as accurate as the laser-guided bombs shown on television .
4 Unfortunately for the government , it became clear that Mosley meant what he said about the scandal of mass unemployment and the greater scandal of Labour 's failure to do anything about it .
5 I agree with what he said about the Association of British Insurers , the insurance industry and the motor car industry , here , in western Europe and increasingly in central Europe — not to mention Japan and Korea .
6 Secondly , while I heard what he said about the fact that , in the case of Mr. Thorpe , the process in north Devon was not exhausted , the theoretical position remains that the treatment may not have been available in north Devon , but was made available in London by virtue of the fact that Mr. Thorpe had two residences and was registered in two places .
7 I would n't disagree with Mr in what he said about the more cuts we have the better it looks and so it stands to reason it 's a question of cost .
8 And you know what he said about the girls ?
9 Bunny buried his face in his beer and I only just caught what he said over the noise from the band .
10 He could spin a yarn , and you had to take what he said with a pinch of salt .
11 ‘ I can not associate what he said with the action of killing .
12 When he spoke to her she could scarcely hear what he said for the thudding of her lovesick heart and the chattering of her teeth .
13 But she had n't been able to hear what he said for the roaring in her ears .
14 The intent can best be proved by an admission from the accused or what he said to the female to whom he exposed himself .
15 Though I tried to read Marx I could n't connect what he said to the world I knew .
16 I do n't know what he said to the lady of the house , but we were not invited to return .
17 All these groups can think that Mr Clinton is their man because of what he said during the mesmerising presidential campaign of 1992 .
18 In response to his anxiety , perhaps he will send me quotations of what he said during the period of the last Labour Government when 30,980 jobs were lost in the mining industry in Wales .
19 Any consideration of topic involves asking why the speaker said what he said in a particular discourse situation .
20 I will deal with what he said in a moment .
21 A Member of Parliament may deeply regret what he said in the heat of a debate ; but he can never have the record changed on the plea of ‘ I did n't mean to say that . ’
22 He has allowed The Art Newspaper to republish what he said in the Dalmatian ( therefore Croatian ) periodical Nedjeljna Dalmacija last 5 September , because , he says , everything he said then remains true today .
23 Li Yuan swallowed , sensing that everything depended on what he said in the next few moments ; that his father had not quite made up his mind , even now .
24 Mr. Grist : The Hon. Gentleman , too , is repeating what he said in the debate .
25 This is what he said in the Second Reading of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill on 21 May 1992 :
26 This is what he said in the Second Reading of the Maastricht bill :
27 If he comes to court , what happened at the police station does n't matter because he 'll then give direct evidence , not what he said in the police station but what actually happened on that night in the , in the estate .
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