Example sentences of "what i [verb] to be " in BNC.

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31 I have merely tried to unravel what I take to be some of the main underlying oversimplifications which have informed educational practices in the field of ‘ race ’ and education , whether state-led or self-consciously oppositionist .
32 I use it in what I take to be its essential sense , to mean that both the society as a whole and the system of government were organized on a principle of freedom of choice …
33 One well-known and well-publicised attempt in recent philosophy to address this problem in a " non-reductivist " spirit has gone under the name of Existentialism , and I shall now comment briefly on what I take to be the main features of the existentialist approach before outlining my own position .
34 Over the cream pebble-dash and olive grey windows of the great house , some turrets may yet be seen beneath what I take to be the original small roof-slates ; and a plaque high on the wall — ; ‘ 1635 RE ’ with what looks like ‘ ID ’ ; and a couple of lions guarding the door .
35 Early in 1975 , when the condition of her health — she had had a recurrence of cancer — was obviously very serious , Elizabeth wrote to me about the letters , requesting the destruction of her own after her death , and asking what I wished to be done with mine .
36 Then I provided what I hoped to be the optimum conditions for healthy growth — perfect drainage .
37 My Lords , that concludes my analysis of what I perceive to be the important British cases but before seeking to draw conclusions therefrom I must refer to certain Commonwealth and American cases .
38 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
39 This political landscape stood in some contrast to what I understood to be the quite exceptional role played by West Ham in the historical development of the Labour Party and the trade union and cooperative movements .
40 Daphne came from one of the best families in London , certainly from what I understood to be the upper classes , so once I left St Paul 's I assumed we would never come across each other again .
41 Everything was subject to a harsh , hard and broken edge which intruded in what I felt to be a very unmusical fashion .
42 The younger said in Arabic what I assumed to be , ‘ Hey , have you seen this ? ’
43 It took an hour to free the Nissan from what I assumed to be its grave , and persuade its bent and battered metal to press on southwards .
44 ‘ Being a professional tennis player is what I want to be , ’ says Delgado .
45 " But it 's not what I want to be .
46 ‘ I have no … merits yet ; and what I want to be would be nothing to you . ’
47 From what I want to be .
48 ‘ I 'm always what I want to be , ’ she said with a frown .
49 What I , and I having heard the director , what I want to be clear about , is that any decision which relates to closing local schools on , on economic grounds comes to the full county council , and is , is not dealt with by education .
50 I had what I suspected to be ‘ shin soreness ’ , inflammation where the tendon meets the bone , and for which rest is the only cure .
51 ‘ I adopted what I conceived to be a classless accent , ’ he said , ‘ as that is what I thought Byron ought to be and that is what I am .
52 What was much more important to me was the emergence of what I consider to be the breakdown of constitutional government .
53 Now , and while anxious not to bore the pants off either of my faithful readers , I feel bound to return to and to expand upon the theme as a result of what I consider to be a truly appalling piece of recent news .
54 This book collects together what I consider to be some of the major unsolved mysteries of science .
55 I turn , therefore , to what I consider to be the primary issue in this appeal , namely , whether there exists a principle whereby a subject who makes a payment in response to a demand of taxation ( or other like demand ) from the Crown which is unlawful either because it is wholly ultra vires or merely excessive thereby acquires a prima facie right to its repayment forthwith as money had and received .
56 His conclusion that the case did not fall within the class of cases involving unlawful demands colore officii is in line with what I consider to be the correct approach as enunciated by Isaacs and Windeyer JJ .
57 But in these four cases there are features that require the decision , which was relatively recent , to be reconsidered after what I consider to be a proper procedure .
58 I tend to steer away from what I consider to be the boring mainstream in cooking .
59 Second , Sklar 's concept lacks a genuinely global dimension because it has no clear analysis of the cultural-ideological sphere , and in particular , it misses what I consider to be the fundamental significance of the culture-ideology of consumerism .
60 My friend has his own sauna and spends what I consider to be excessive amounts of time in the sauna cabin with temperatures over 80 degrees centigrade .
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