Example sentences of "what it 's [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yes ? , and that 's what it 's getting at , Karen .
2 Erm Romans verse and verse four you notice this text is taken from verse twelve , rejoice in the hope and then persevering prayer , but if you go into verse four , what it 's speaking about there , but just as we have in one body many , members , but the members do not all have the same function and then in six to eight he goes on to describe that we all have gifts do n't we differing according to the undeserved kindness given to us , whether er so forth and so faith , ministry , erm teaching , exhorting , all these different gifts , though sometimes if a particular brother or sister does n't have a particular gift and we think well you know that 's a bit hard going I ca n't seem to listen to them , that 's an area perhaps where we could erm be quivering could n't we , or complaining , especially about assignments , you might get speakers that come here from other congregations , and some are better than others are n't they ?
3 Everything is smaller down there — including their eyeballs — to the same extent-so the eye still gets filled up with what it 's looking at in the normal way .
4 And if you do n't withdraw it , the C E C is completely and totally opposed to it because we already have what it 's asking for in the rule .
5 Er we evaluate the need and how many people want to go on it , we evaluate what it 's gon na cost and then we see if we can get money through the the safety budget that director safety holds .
6 that 's what it 's gon na be about .
7 I 've put the planning things in instead of what the , what it 's gon na be
8 I can tell you what it 's gon na be .
9 I 'm not gon na take it out again , I know what it 's gon na be like this one freeze it and re-thaw it do n't you ?
10 Have you had a price on what it 's gon na cost to put that down ?
11 Is that what it 's gon na cost ?
12 Oh you can imagine what it 's gon na be like tonight .
13 I can just imagine what it 's gon na look like in a few years when it gets
14 I 've left my computer programme going , God knows what it 's gon na do I 've only got half an hour to finish it !
15 I just do n't know what it 's gon na be like , er , so I think if we , well at ten o'clock , if we left at ten , we 've got twelve hours to get down there
16 As for what subject , I 'm not sure what it 's gon na be cos I 've got ta pass in the
17 I 'm interested to see what it 's gon na do for a hot wax if you see what I mean ?
18 Is that what it 's gon na look like .
19 There 's not a lot of evidence that the government really does know what it 's talking about when it comes to BSE .
20 So what it 's talking about there is how you can actually define a group .
21 Essentially what it 's talking about it inward investment on small scale .
22 This is what it 's going to be like from now on .
23 Christ knows what it 's going to be like in July if this weather keeps up . ’
24 ‘ This job you are going to take — do you know what it 's going to be ? ’
25 No I I do n't know what it 's going to be about they have n't sent any information .
26 and I do n't know what it 's going to be
27 ‘ I ca n't imagine what it 's going to be like — sitting at home and there 's three of you .
28 Speaking as a single parent who was left with children of twelve and eight , it is very hard and I often think it would be a good thing if social workers were better able to explain to young girls who are left with babies , just what it 's going to be like .
29 It gives one quite a strong idea of what it 's going to be like to be a corpse . ’
30 What it 's going to be like , roughly ?
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