Example sentences of "what it [vb mod] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 God knows what it 'll be like in a real race .
2 You do n't know what it 'll be like , if it 'll be like the scenes you see on the news every night .
3 so er do n't know what it 'll be like .
4 what it 'll be like ?
5 Imagine what it might be like if , as humans , we had not only the senses of other creatures but the ability to understand these communications as they do .
6 When his plan is compared with Gandy 's ( Fig. 27a ) , the main difference lies in the care he has taken to consider what it might be like to live inside .
7 We can see what it might be like to have an intermittently updated world image , by using a stroboscope at night .
8 We at least have a subjective idea of what an echo is , but we have almost no subjective idea of what it might be like to perceive an electric field .
9 However , it will not provide the bumper take-out price implied by the recent performance of the Jaguar share price , offering instead some guidance as to what it might be in the future .
10 For what it may be worth , if I am wrong in my application of the neighbourhood test so that the disturbance has to be judged by pre-planning permission standards , I would have found that the heavy goods vehicles going to and from each of the fourth and fifth defendant 's operations constituted a material disturbance to the residents at night .
11 The hearer is being trusted to take a large share of the responsibility in imagining what it may be for the speaker to be past his youth , and the result is a wide range of weak implicatures .
12 The first is that , since it is difficult for each authority to make its decision within the framework of a general view of social needs and social capacity to pay , the total amount of taxation tends to be raised above what it would be in a more unified system .
13 You who read me , he concluded , you who think you understand me , must try to imagine what it would be like not to understand me .
14 Susan made an effort to imagine what it would be like to live a settled life with a partner she saw every day .
15 Very roughly , Fodor argued that this kind of blanket objection to representational theories of mind does not work against the mental-sentence kind of theory for the simple reason that we know just what it would be like for a system to work on the mental-sentence principle .
16 Petersburg encourages his vicious loose-end tendency , as it teases Svidrigailov with phantom images of what it would be like to be an occupied man .
17 ‘ I sometimes wonder what it would be like if Stop The World had had a proper director , who did it for a living .
18 I think , with having children of my own , I think what it would be like , God forbid , if that happened to one of my kids .
19 He tries to imagine the process by demystifying himself , in other words , by ridding himself of the fantastic in the notion of labour , and by trying to see what it would be like without the strange construction of the system of his time .
20 This chapter illustrates what it would be like , through the eyes of the Royal Scots .
21 He tried to imagine what it would be like to get such news .
22 McLeish knew roughly what it would be like from Francesca 's description of her own Department , but he was still interested in the controlled bustle in the big untidy room .
23 Now do you understand what it would be like if everyone was like that ?
24 ‘ It may be best for us ’ , McFarlane reported back at the time , ‘ to try to picture what it would be like if after nuclear attack , a surviving Tartar became Vice-President ; a recent grad student became Secretary of State ; and a bookie became the interlocutor for all discourse with foreign countries . ’
25 Nobody in Kufra had ever owned a factory , but many were able to imagine what it would be like to find that the workers had become partners .
26 I looked on these two girls with awe , and shuddered to think what it would be like to be in their position .
27 That is to say , they know what it would be like for God to exist , but as a matter of fact they do n't think that one does .
28 joined me and we began discussing the forthcoming birth and what it would be like to have two children .
29 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
30 The story I 'm working on started with the idea of what it would be like to break your glasses on holiday .
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