Example sentences of "what it must be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine , for a moment , what it must be like to be the parent of young children in a poor community in Bangladesh or Mozambique .
2 Everyone pushes out the boat to look their best on the Big Day — so imagine what it must be like if money 's no object .
3 She had caught sight of it only once , from the top of a bus , but she knew , from watching television , from looking at pictures in her mother 's magazines , what it must be like .
4 I can not imagine what it must be like , but of course , facts have to be faced , one 's own life has some kind of vestigial importance , the question of cruelty really does not arise .
5 ‘ It must seem impossible for you to believe that in a civilized society so abhorrent a practice as the enslaving of one person by another still continues , but I will ask you to try and imagine what it must be like .
6 I wondered what it must be like to work in such an atmosphere .
7 ‘ You imagine what it must be like yourself , that 's what I do .
8 Most of us agree that it would be handy to turn the loft into a bedroom , or have a conservatory tacked on to an outside wall , but can you imagine what it must be like living in a church , a factory or a windmill ?
9 If you know they have always enjoyed close companionship until they finally had to live alone , it is not difficult to imagine what it must be like for them to have no one to share their life with any longer , and no hand to hold as their step becomes less sure .
10 Despite the message of Modern Times and our images of modern factory work being influenced by our beliefs about what it must be like to work on , for example , the car assembly lines at Detroit or Dagenham , most people , when asked in social science surveys , say that they experience an acceptable level of job satisfaction at work .
11 OUR super EXCLUSIVE Wallchart features 14 of the terrible tearaways and the dramatic full-colour pictures give you just a hint of what it must be like to meet them in the ring .
12 He felt for the first time in his life what it must be like to be one of them and was overwhelmed with a feeling of sadness and futility .
13 She could not even imagine what it must be like to have a brother who had been murdered .
14 This was what it must be like on a toboggan roaring down the snowy slope of a mountainside .
15 She stood dreaming , trying to imagine what it must be like to walk up the aisle to the side of a man who was waiting to marry you , and so enthralled was she with her imaginings that she never heard him .
16 I take a furtive and secret pride in the fact that I can do all these things , that I am physically strong , can lift and carry things that defeat other women , wonder with some scorn what it must be like to have to learn to clean a house when adult , not have the ability laid down as part of the growing self .
17 He could hardly begin to imagine what it must be like for her — everything severed , no turning back , the entire texture of her life abandoned for the deep terror of the new .
18 I ca n't think what it must be like when Beuno is n't there .
19 There 's something spooky about them : you sense momentarily what it must be like to live in an ordered , God-run universe , with Himself looking over your shoulder and helpfully dropping coarse hints about a cosmic plan .
20 I could hardly conceive what it must be like in winter : the incessant darkness ; the piercing cold when the spray froze as it hit the deck and formed great blocks of ice at the bows ; howling gales and never-ending work ; then a few days in port and out to sea again , week after week , month after month .
21 ‘ I ca n't imagine what it must be like for you . ’
22 What it must be like !
23 For the first time she could sense what it must be like to possess the surgeon 's power almost of life and death , the satisfaction of knowing your actions had helped to save a life or bring a new one into the world , and she had been a part , albeit a small one , of the drama .
24 ‘ Can you imagine what it must be like to lose someone who 's been part of your life for so long ? ’
25 They were silent for a moment , Rachel trying to contemplate what it must be like to be entirely alone in the world , then , as a sudden thought hit her she glanced up .
26 You do n't grasp it when you 're young , and if you 're born , obviously as a lot of the population now are , much younger , and have n't really been either touched or involved in a war , it 's very difficult , it 's something which we 've all seen on television , we 've all seen it at the films and you tend if you 're not careful , to pick up the glamorous side of it , you do n't realise I do n't think and in fact I keep saying this — I do n't think you can ever realise what it must be like to be in a battle until you 've actually been there .
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