Example sentences of "what the [noun pl] be [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 No , no , that would n't worry me , I just , I said when we got rid of our other sideboard let's do without one and then I looked round and thought well what the dickens am I going to do with all this stuff that we 've got and I just found that we could n't do without it .
2 to be delivered in one statement show you what the chances are you 'll be doing it anyway but not erm what you are actually doing purpose you 'll always be followed by a tentative benefit always be followed by cheque standing or in this case tell me how does that .
3 Last week at the Univel launch in Dallas , we sidled up to Novell chief Ray Noorda and asked him flat out what the chances were he would buy Unix System Labs .
4 Oh yes yeah the skippers , the skippers would go up the town cos every time a ship used to come in they got , they got to take the their papers up to the agent , what the papers were I do n't really know might be a manifest or something like that , what they used to do I mean then you had erm and you had different agents now there 's more agents than ever now .
5 He asked me whether I was a country person I asked what the qualifications were he said country born and bred , well I was born in Liverpool spent my childhood and early adolescence in rural Nottinghamshire , moved to Highfields , emigrated to the West Indies and now live in sub rural Blavey so I do n't know whether I qualify as a country person or not , but I 'd like to bet that I 've milked more cows by hand than he has if that 's any qualification .
6 What the blazes are you all talking about ? ’ the father yelled , putting both hands to his hair .
7 ‘ Do you mean that if you can just explain what the alternatives are you will have answered the question ?
8 But because of natural bodies we know not the construction , but seek it from the effects , there lies no demonstration of what the causes be we seek for , but only of what they may be .
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