Example sentences of "what have [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She took her doctorate in the study of the UFO movement itself , and has worked with several British researchers on what has turned out to be an illuminating project .
2 This book shows something of what has emerged out of religious interpretations of death , not as a history of death but as an indication of what lies at the root of the major religious traditions , lending to each its characteristic style .
3 It would be absurd to adopt a rigidly determinist view of what has gone on in the formation of culturally transmitted marriage laws .
4 If one looks across the channel , as some of us have , and sees the way in which the matter is approached there , it is humiliating to consider what has gone on in Britain over the past few years .
5 What I want to make sure first of all is that erm you understand what has gone on before the scene that we actually want to find ourselves in .
6 As shot follows shot on the screen , your viewers will instinctively relate each to what has gone before in order to construct a thread of story — even if this story is as rudimentary as ‘ first we saw A , and then we saw B ’ .
7 But the second half of the lyric moves on from this : the completion of the line looks back to what has gone before in its rhyme , but syntactically and alliteratively it moves forward to convey the perception of that very still mourning symptomatic of the inner spiritual movement of Christ 's coming .
8 We have to look at what has dropped out of the system . ’
9 Right if you have a look at what has come up on the screen , on the screen .
10 It 's not that we 've planned a compromise , it 's what has come naturally within the group .
11 And more and more we 're hearing news of women working on a whole range of issues , including male violence in Africa , all parts of Africa , and the more I hear that , the more I realise that what has come out of England as revolutionary feminism is a parallel movement and does n't need to be sectarian at all in the way that maybe it 's been seen .
12 But it does show that they have not got a clue what has come out of their chimney stacks in the past " .
13 How things went with them from then on we know from what has come out in public .
14 The main reason for many Opposition Members feeling more warmly towards the European Community now than they did in the past is the record of the Community in the past few years and the contrast between what has happened elsewhere in the Community and what we have seen take place in Britain .
15 What has happened previously in a lot of educational research is that large samples have been taken .
16 What has happened previously in a lot of educational research is that large samples have been taken .
17 This hardly compares with what has happened even in The Netherlands , let alone in France , Belgium , Germany , Austria or Switzerland .
18 Its proposals will make what has happened up to now look like a day out at the seaside .
19 It 's often more exciting not to preplan what 's going to happen in the scene , but we do need to know what has happened up to now .
20 It is the key to what has happened recently with US credit marketing .
21 Hence , prediction is reduced to a repetition of what has occurred before in similar circumstances .
22 What had appeared then to be contentment turned out now to be cold loneliness .
23 Aggie had explained to Ben what had turned out to be the reason for their invitation to tea ; and now she broke into his silence by saying , ‘ Well !
24 One odd aspect of the policy of the Carolina proprietors was their attempt to create in America a very formalized version of what had grown up in England .
25 It occurred to her suddenly that she had forgotten to tell Urquhart what had gone on during the day , especially what Marek Nowak had told her and the disastrous arrest of Taczek .
26 The revolution at Northampton may have been different but it did have uncanny echoes of what had gone on at Neath .
27 They each had totally different stories , totally different perceptions of what had gone on in the meetings .
28 These were Allen 's and Marian 's guesses as to what had gone on in the darkness but the rest of the story of those two hours before dawn was easily pieced together from Tom All Alone 's account .
29 In a market contrast to what had gone before in the Singles , it was some of the unsung members of the European side who came up with most of the points to secure the tie .
30 What had started out as a quest for metallic hydrogen now became a serious hunt for fusion .
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