Example sentences of "what [indef pn] might [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How many of the 200 knights should be counted as members of Lisiard of Amboise 's household can not be determined ; the number is rather more what one might expect of the household of a great prince .
2 The other tracts which were written by Lothar before he became pope show a pastoral concern , an interest in almsgiving , in sin , in penance , in the sacrament of marriage and in the priestly office ( " De sacro altaris mysterio " ) : perhaps what one might expect of a Paris theologian of this period .
3 Diphtheria and measles , against which mass vaccinations have also been instituted , showed fairly abrupt falls immediately after introduction of the respective vaccines and indicate what one might expect of a successful programme .
4 He is described as playing tricks on Jewish moneylenders in order to finance his soldiery , and generally behaving in a manner very far from what one might expect from the deeds of similar heroes such as Roland , Ogier or Lancelot .
5 Fuel burn at around 11 gallons per hour was what one might expect from the power plant , and the aircraft would undoubtedly benefit from turbo-charging although as always the trade-off in this is going to be increased maintenance costs .
6 The recruitment of migrant labour has also had what one might refer to as a series of indirect benefits , especially in the earlier phase of immigration , because Britain and the other importing countries were able to avoid the costs involved in actually producing the immigrant labour power , from the birth to the maturation of the workers concerned , and because of the lower demands on the welfare state of economically active , healthy , single , young men and women who nevertheless paid the same rate of taxation as other workers ( Gorz , 1970 ) .
7 The pool-liners which fall into the next category are what one might call in the medium-price range and represent good value for the average newcomer to water gardening .
8 I would argue , however , that there is a difference between what one might consider to be reasonable use by passenger traffic during the day , and the disturbances that might arise from that , and the use of the line at night by heavy goods traffic .
9 ( iv ) In many sections , Nietzsche 's points are not presented in what one might take to be their natural order .
10 When I look back I realize just what a hard time Mother must have had because she did not enjoy what one might describe as robust health .
11 Their ideas were based on what one might describe as ‘ school mathematics ’ — a set of facts and techniques — in which questions have one right answer and prescribed methods of solution .
12 I can hardly forebear , I 'm sorry for , if it 's er , a bad pun , but er , I can hardly forbear to say that it may be that I , that diocese can do with what one might describe as a dash of the Robin Hood 's , which I think Alan may er , bring to it .
13 They were big , comfortable-looking farm buildings , not much different from what one might find in parts of Perthshire , except that the upper floor had a roofed balcony running along one side .
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