Example sentences of "what [pers pn] have seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The grooms on the train were all younger , thinner and from what I 'd seen of them in their uniform T-shirts less positive .
2 All I know is what I 've seen on the news . ’
3 ‘ I like the countryside around here — what I 've seen of it .
4 ‘ She 's a nice girl , what I 've seen of her , the best of the bunch , I should say , next to Mick and , of course , Dick .
5 " From what I 've seen of her , she 's a strong-willed independent young woman , who knows what she wants , and is not afraid to say so .
6 ‘ From what I 've seen of him , I 'd say he 's got rather a perverse sense of humour and enjoys winding people up , ’ said Melissa , remembering in particular his brush with Alain Gebrec the previous afternoon over the controversial book .
7 ‘ From what I 've seen of Officer Hassan , it would take more than a missing golf-club to prise him away from his suicide theory . ’
8 And people do live in other parts of the area , and they need telephones — from what I 've seen of the place they 'll be about the main link with the outside world .
9 Elwood looked very good indeed and possesses a lot of talent , and from what I 've seen of him , he would have done well in New Zealand .
10 From what I 've seen of it , this is a perfectly normal thing , the pilot probably got lost . ’
11 From what I 've seen of Bardsley , he reminds me a bit of Sterland — he looks very good going forward but he seemed to leave gaping holes at the back when he played for England ( ca n't remember who it was against ) .
12 She probably had a real great impression of herself right she did and then when she turns round and we said well I 'm sorry and said well sorry no got a bloody big shock , gave her a shock to the system and to be quite honest what I 've seen of her since then has been a darn sight more er spruced up and a bit more on the bloody ball than she was before
13 ‘ On the contrary , what I 've seen of your country I rather like . ’
14 But Davies insists : ‘ I 'm very encouraged by what I 've seen in Welsh club rugby this season .
15 er right erm tt yep that seems to be okay I did n't erm no I was reading this on , this morning just after the clinical lecture and I did n't see anything that , that I thought would be problematic erm you know given , you know , sort of what I 've seen in your coursework so far you seem to have got a fairly good idea of what you can ask and what you can get away with and what sorts of things you think are useful and , and , and stuff like that so erm you know I 'm entirely happy with your judgment as to the content erm you know because it 's part of an ongoing pr project and it 's not just something that you 've , you 've knocked off in half an hour or anything so erm
16 what I 've seen in the paper today , we 're both gon na join today , er this week , er Council erm , er are looking forward to it , they approve of it bet you bloody County Council will
17 Do you remember that Saturday I remember sitting on the stairs , Mark , look what I 've seen in your paper !
18 Look what I 've seen in the paper Mark ! , ca can we go and have a look ?
19 What I had seen of Czechoslovakia was a society which encouraged a miserable waste of human resources .
20 I understood what I had seen in the dream when I learned the words " gaberdine " and " mahogany " ; and I was born in the year of the New Look , understood by 1951 and the birth of my sister , that dresses needing twenty yards for a skirt were items as expensive as children — more expensive really , because after 1948 babies came relatively cheap , on tides of free milk and orange juice , but good cloth in any quantity was hard to find for a very long time .
21 From what I have seen of it so far , it has very little to recommend it .
22 ‘ From what I have seen of her , she never will be trained , ’ snapped Teresa Darrell .
23 From what I have seen of Kelly , he has promise , but only 20% of his passes , clearances , crosses go to a Leeds player .
24 As one young manager put it : ‘ The only things I know about the army are what I have seen on television ! ’
25 Iii case this book should be read by some fundamentalist searching for straws to prop up his prejudices , let me state categorically that all my experience ( such as it is ) has led me to an unqualified acceptance of evolution by natural selection as a sufficient explanation for what I have seen in the fossil record .
26 The older woman had n't bothered to hide her dismay at what she had seen as the loss of her precious older son .
27 Being cradled against her mother 's soft warm body , Dot tried to feel like a baby , to remember what she had seen through the crack in the double doors as Gloria had cradled Baby against her while the nurses gathered round with protective outstretched arms .
28 She had , and she felt slightly uneasy about admitting it , she had sought the smartly intense , at the expense of the more solid and dowdy virtues ; she had been attracted by surfaces , by clothes and manners and voices and trivial strange graces , and she had imitated what she had seen of these things in others .
29 From what she had seen of maid 's work it was not very difficult .
30 From what she had seen of Araminta , Theda was ready to believe it .
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