Example sentences of "what [noun sg] there be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have seen enough to believe that the materials , over time , will prove to be of real help to teachers trying to solve their own problems by enabling them to see what support there is in the sharing of difficulties and by strengthening the belief that efficient discussion can lead to effective action .
2 In a desperate attempt to hold in what moisture there is in the thin soil , farmers have constructed low walls as refuges for vines and other crops .
3 And I do n't see what harm there is in buying a place for my daughter .
4 But with the foreign exchange shortages in many developing countries , I do not see what alternative there is in the long term .
5 I 'll teach you what pleasure there is in making love and I 'll give you all the time you need to adjust to your new circumstances . "
6 What skill there is in gift wrapping !
7 On this scenario , Charles the Bald , whose reign ( 840 – 77 ) fairly straddled the mid-ninth century , was doomed to failure : like Charlemagne , he lacked the institutional means to exploit even what wealth there was within his realm , but , unlike Charlemagne , he could no longer lead successful plundering raids against the surrounding peoples , nor keep his aristocracy happy with regular share-outs of loot .
8 Clearly , what humanity there is in Bentham is very much aggregate humanity ; his willingness to sacrifice individual humanity to achieve it is legendary .
9 And now let us consider for a minute what we mean by Child Art , and what difference there is between child and adult forms of expression .
10 And it remains finally to ask what place there was for trade unionism in the Labour Party 's revised prospectus .
11 What joy there is in looking for these images !
12 ‘ I 'll see what reaction there is to a number of minor knocks but I 'll keep the options open , ’ said Bingham .
13 But what truth there is in the suggestion can be put in another and less misleading way .
14 This is a time for you to test for yourself what truth there is in Schopenhauer 's doctrine …
15 It was Bessie Rayner Parkes who , in order to find out what truth there was in it , first bought a small press and some type , and she and Emily Faithfull took instruction in the trade themselves .
16 But we might reasonably wonder what point there is in racking our brains to find an acceptable definition of ‘ a knows that p ’ .
17 Charles called Peregrine a sadist and asked what point there was in teaching cooks and clerks to ski .
18 Though what enchantment there was to be found in that love , she failed to see .
19 What evidence there is on sett size suggest that it does n't necessarily increase with group size , and certainly the four individuals in the Brighton group would hardly seem to need a complex consisting of more than a kilometre of tunnels .
20 What evidence there is from the USA suggests that local authorities there are simply not prepared , either physically or mentally , to deal with the new service demands of the exurban inmigrants ( Green , 1983 ) although work in Canada , using a game-playing approach , has tended to suggest that the inmigrants have the same service demands as the existing inhabitants ( Joseph and Smit , 1983 ) .
21 Indeed what evidence there was at that time , for instance from a number of reading surveys , suggested the maintenance or improvement of attainment , although the single exception provoked more media interest .
22 The GP needs to have information if he is going to look after the patient properly : he needs to know what has happened during the infarct , how severe it was , what evidence there was of heart failure , and whether the angina recurred .
23 When asked what relationship there was between NUPE and Labour 's leadership , Mr. Bickerstaffe said :
24 What fun there was at Party conferences could most often be found outside it — in the Grand Hotel , where the prominenti stay and the Irish plant bombs , at the many and various meetings of the conference ‘ fringe ’ and among the bars , coffee stalls and bookshops which accompany the conference on its triangular three-year odyssey between Blackpool , Bournemouth and Brighton .
25 Teachers will have to judge whether computer schemes meet the needs of children , but also what scope there is for teacher initiative , knowledge and intuition once the scheme is in operation .
26 The need for improved facilities for Arts and Social Studies , as an aid to the recruitment and retention of academic staff and to assist in the improvement of research activity , has caused the University to launch a review or three sites ( namely the area around the St Cross Building , the central site surrounding the Bodleian Library , and the Taylorian/Ashmolean site ) to see what scope there is for the rationalisation of existing uses and what changes can be made to make better use of them , with a view to defining a comprehensive and coherent scheme for the development of each site which has most to commend it on academic grounds .
27 Much depended in the last resort , too , on the power with which the negotiators went to the negotiating table , what goodwill there was between parties and what the strength of the bargaining power was .
28 Your answers to questions 10 and 11 will tell us what demand there is for these new , more targeted methods .
29 The company 's two daily commuter coach services from Braintree and Chelmsford are expected to be busy , but managers will wait to see what demand there is before deciding whether to run additional vehicles .
30 What is needed is a change in the processes of decision-making so that policies are informed from below by the people involved , who are the only ones who really know what life there is like and what people really want and are able to do .
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