Example sentences of "what [noun sg] [pron] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His parents were not affluent but they pumped what money they had into his education , sending him to a private school , Edinburgh 's Merchiston .
2 They give what money they have to the Agent ; yet they 're always finding that little bit extra , to give to me .
3 It wasted what money it had on drinking and it spoke with rough accents .
4 What experience they have of looking after children .
5 Frank Church , chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on multinational corporations , has said of these companies , ‘ No one knows how they operate , what their profits are , what they pay in taxes and what effect they have on our foreign policy — or much of anything else about them ’ ( quoted Morgan , 1979 , p. ix ) .
6 ‘ Of course what people find impossible to understand about you is that you genuinely do n't know what effect you have on men . ’
7 You know what effect you have on women , and you — you shamelessly use it ! ’
8 He knows what fondness I have for him , but he 's got no illusions about whom I really want .
9 Every instrument here is adding what weight it has to one of the four component parts of the texture ( i.e. and the tune itself ) .
10 ‘ I ca n't think what relevance he has to anything . ’
11 ‘ As I say , I ca n't think what relevance he has to anything . ’
12 Here it may be that er it 's important to say er what she said value or what relevance it has to the trial of the son anyway .
13 What influence I had with S.B. was now used to persuade him of the wisdom of this course .
14 He 'd remember me , too , because he would have wondered what percentage I had on him that entitled me to come down from her apartment in the early morning .
15 When you are interviewed for a job which may involve press relations ( and most do ) your potential employer will often call a few journalists on major publications to see what reaction they have to your name .
16 Until we demonstrate that , the case for increasing expenditure on elderly people has to be very modest , and related to what evidence we have about whether it will improve their welfare . ’
17 I did ask Mme Guérigny what evidence she had for these sacrificial murders .
18 So I wondered what chance I had of outstaying Lebanese men who had picked up their first Kalashnikov aged six , or the Vietnamese man who had seen his mother raped before going on to kill his first Cambodian at the age when I was doing my Common Entrance .
19 What gives what persuasiveness it has to the probabilistic idea about causation is neither such an argument for it nor the earlier diagnosis of the appeal of the opposed view about necessitation .
20 Jacobitism was a continual destabilising force in British politics under the later Stuarts , so it is vital to consider precisely what impact it had on partisan strife during this period , and exactly how widespread sympathies for the exiled Stuarts were amongst the general population .
21 Having always been aware of the Cathedral I 've often wondered what impact it has on visitors seeing it for the first time .
22 Thus , although they may be braille readers , they are not totally blind children and should be encouraged to use what vision they have in the learning situation .
23 He dropped what luggage he had into the nearest garbage receptacle and then , ignoring the ticket windows completely , headed over toward the phones .
24 Let us therefore review what we learnt earlier about the cultural oral superego — the mother goddess , in other words — and see what significance it has for our problem .
25 Some people have tried to explain away this miracle and have suggested that the crowd merely shared what food they had with them .
26 ‘ Sent to steal away what food we have by another tribe ! ’
27 We immediately notified the Department of Trade that Mohamed Fayed 's representations were incorrect , and gave what information we had at the time , which was sufficient to alarm , or at least give pause for basic investigations .
28 oh there 's loads and loads of stuff erm tt which I think people can use flexibly in different circumstances , you know , depending on what information they have about somebody so
29 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what information he has on the number of orders , and for what types of vessels , held by shipbuilders in Northern Ireland .
30 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what information he has on the number of jobs in the north-west region of England which are related to defence requirements .
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