Example sentences of "what [be] know [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Making comparisons between species involves identifying what are known as homologous structures .
2 This group , which included what are known as rural or quasi-samurai , was particularly numerous in a few important domains , such as Satsuma and Chóshú .
3 A good example of this arises in the study of children 's reasoning , particularly in their ability to make what are known as transitive inferences .
4 VAT is charged on what are known as taxable supplies .
5 Another stratification system based just as exclusively on ascribed status attributes is characteristic of what are known as age-set societies .
6 Deviations from this basic order may be useful , particularly with regard to what are known as differential facets and common facets .
7 The 1974 Labour Government insisted that what are known as long-term benefits , such as old-age pensions and invalidity benefit , should increase in line with prices or earnings , whichever was the more advantageous for the claimants .
8 There have been occasional remarks that some players may have dallied for a time with what are known as recreational drugs .
9 Better performance still than that provided by the m-derived sections that have been described is available from what are known as double m-derived sections .
10 Care should be taken in ensuring that any funds not immediately required for either the building of a new church or other charitable purposes are invested in what are known as qualifying investments as prescribed in Sch 20 Taxes Act 1988 .
11 An important part of this secondary labour market is composed of what are known as flexible workers .
12 Many of those who were using what are known as curly bows also shoot longbows .
13 But his parents soon realised that Ashley would need more specialized help , so they turned to the Peto Institute in Hungary , which has pioneered the treatment of children like Ashley with what 's known as conductive education .
14 The reconciliation of this idea with what is known of subsequent evolutionary events remains problematic ( Fig. 1 ) .
15 It was possible to establish plausible relationships between what is known about normal language acquisition , especially learning to read , and what is known about developmental disorders of language , especially developmental dyslexia .
16 It was possible to establish plausible relationships between what is known about normal language acquisition , especially learning to read , and what is known about developmental disorders of language , especially developmental dyslexia .
17 Most of what is known about acute aluminium poisoning comes from studying patients treated for kidney failure by dialysis .
18 Most of what is known about social development is based on the study of encounters between a child and one other person , yet much of a child 's life takes place in groups of more than two persons — within the family , the neighbourhood peer groups , the pre-school group , and so on .
19 All other methods involve what is known as accelerated depreciation because the depreciation is greater in the early years than the later years .
20 Although III/V substances such as GaAs and InGaAs are increasingly being used commercially , their usefulness is still constrained by what is known as final passivation — the last layer of the IC structure which protects the works against mechanical shocks and contamination ( for instance by water ) , and also provides electrical isolation .
21 Speakers also have the option of anchoring deictic expressions to a different centre of orientation by means of what is known as deictic projection ( Levinson 1983:64 ) : The anchorage point for the deictic verb " come " , which , in unmarked cases , indicates movement towards the speaker 's location at the moment of utterance , is shifted to the speaker 's future home base in 5 , and to the addressee 's position at a specific future moment in time in 6 ( cf.
22 Elsewhere reference has been made to the difference between Spanish style and flamenco style ( see page 59 ) which belongs to the Spanish gipsies from whom has also developed what is known as gipsy character dance .
23 There is another technique known as metabolic thermogenesis , which is a non-shivering method of producing adrenalin done with the aid of food , in what is known as calorigenic action .
24 A useful application of recall in practice is not to seek a measure of absolute recall ( as defined above ) , but rather to use recall to compare two different indexing systems , by defining what is known as relative recall .
25 The lowest offence on the ‘ ladder ’ is what is known as common assault .
26 We next compare the range of past variations in solar irradiance implied by the best-fit values of β with what is known from other sources .
27 In deriving more detailed criteria capable of being used , for example , to generate the required assessments , it is necessary to make use of what is known from previous research about pupils ' learning and attainment in the topic concerned .
28 What these works do , or tend to do , not so much singly , perhaps , as in series , is to set in train through the sheer repetition of their demeaning view of women , for example , or their glamorisation of crime , what is known in behaviouristic terms as a process of conditioning , the ‘ drip-drip ’ effect of popular parlance .
29 This study also serves to illustrate the very real need for what is known in healing circles as ‘ psychic protection ’ .
30 By looking at the present distribution of animals and plants , and by comparing this with what was known about geological changes in the past , the evolutionist could seek to explain how the populations of the earth 's various regions had been built up through successive migrations .
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