Example sentences of "what [noun] [vb past] it [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 So obsessed was he with Mary 's charm and the Casket Letters , that it did not occur to him to ask the much more prosaic but crucially important question : what effect did it have on her kingdom , in this age of religious and political upheaval and trauma , to be saddled with a ruler who shut herself off from reality whenever reality became difficult ?
2 1 Why did all the children laugh at Julie on the first day she went to her new school ? 2 How do you think Julie felt that day ? 3 Did you feel sorry for her then ? 4 Did you feel sorry for her later in the story ? 5 When Julie was left tied to the lamp post was it fair , unfair , cruel … or what ? 6 Whose fault was it that Julie and Bee stopped seeing each other ? 7 Why did Julie get hurts and what effect did it have on Bee ? 8 What were your feelings at the end ?
3 What effect did it have on his private life ?
4 Only what good did it do to admit it ?
5 What difference did it make , if you were a woman ?
6 What difference did it make to your work that you 'd come from outside the television industry ?
7 He already hated her , so what difference did it make ?
8 What difference did it make ?
9 But what difference did it make .
10 So at what point did it cease to be so ?
11 What chance did it stand ?
12 What royalty did it belong to ?
13 What impression did it give ?
14 What time did it start ? ’
15 What time did it finish ?
16 What time did it ring ? ’
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