Example sentences of "what [noun] [ex0] be for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Quite a few friends were starting families at that time and they were having real problems sorting out childcare , and I decided I 'd like to look at what opportunities there were for setting up in that field . ’
2 And it remains finally to ask what place there was for trade unionism in the Labour Party 's revised prospectus .
3 The therapist needs to know what the main problems are , what caused them , what maintains them , and what possibilities there are for change .
4 In the same way it might consider with sister Training Boards what possibilities there were for training part-time farmers and their families in non-agricultural activities that would contribute to the rural community .
5 I mean , he had no idea about what possibilities there were for me and he just looked at it as a very , very dodgy profession to want to go into .
6 Teachers will have to judge whether computer schemes meet the needs of children , but also what scope there is for teacher initiative , knowledge and intuition once the scheme is in operation .
7 The need for improved facilities for Arts and Social Studies , as an aid to the recruitment and retention of academic staff and to assist in the improvement of research activity , has caused the University to launch a review or three sites ( namely the area around the St Cross Building , the central site surrounding the Bodleian Library , and the Taylorian/Ashmolean site ) to see what scope there is for the rationalisation of existing uses and what changes can be made to make better use of them , with a view to defining a comprehensive and coherent scheme for the development of each site which has most to commend it on academic grounds .
8 Yes , I wanted to emphasise the way some men feel constrain before , not because I want to suggest it 's now becoming a problem for men and we should be worrying about them , but because you asked what prospects there were for doing something about it and I think if something 's to be done about it , and it 's a problem of everyone devising new standards of behaviour , it 's very important that quite large numbers of men should be prepared to play a part in trying to work out what these standards should be , and there is quite substantial interest in trying to do that , both at the level of the teaching staff at the university and at the level of the undergraduates .
9 Your answers to questions 10 and 11 will tell us what demand there is for these new , more targeted methods .
10 Although there were more than 100 British nationals killed in the accident there was no provision at that time for a State with such an interest to participate , but knowing that the minister was bound to be asked by MPs in the House what arrangements there were for investigating the cause of death of so many UK citizens I telephoned my old friend Michel Vigier in paris with a formal request that we might send a UK observer .
11 Ask whether a chairperson is necessary , what items there are for the agenda and how timing is to be arranged .
12 Okay , well I should start there you know , erm and , and er see what options there are for getting involved with erm you know young people , erm
13 Thus interest rates may be too high and so discourage investment , while what finance there is for investment is channelled into socially inefficient uses .
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