Example sentences of "her [noun pl] were [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her views were supported by fellow worker Suzanne Riddington , who said the extra money helped , especially with people forced to take pay cuts in other jobs .
2 Her ankles were scratched by the brittle ancient stems , her fingers scored .
3 Marie-Hélène's family were wealthy French industrialists and her summers were spent in a variety of exotic locales , which spurred the girl 's fantasies .
4 Her fingers were fusing into claws .
5 It was years since she 'd played , of course , and her fingers were bound to be rusty , but she could n't resist trying out some of the pieces of music she used to play so long ago .
6 Her fingers were biting into the metal .
7 It was supremely indifferent , but , even as it burned into her like acid , her fingers were plunging into the midnight darkness of his hair as she invited his kiss again , the tumult of his mouth on hers and in it already a necessity , wildness running in her veins , the heavy aching beat of desire unchecked at the deep core of her womanhood .
8 Her fingers were sliding over the satiny warmth of her skin , and in a sweet intimate flash of reminder , or of warning , her body ( her secret breathing body which she ignored for nearly all of her time , trying to forget it ) came to life and spoke to her .
9 Her fingers were stained with dirt , her nail varnish chipped .
10 Her fingers were tingling with the warm smoothness , and she stood there looking puzzled or undecided , the packet of notes loose in her hand .
11 They had arrived outside and her cases were deposited in a long silver car that Jenna thought must be a foreign make , probably Italian .
12 He could have sworn her teeth were chattering with fear .
13 The discovery that otherwise enigmatic denarii struck in the name of a deified empress called Domitilla contain the higher level of silver has shown that her coins were struck in this period and not in the reign of the previous emperor , Titus .
14 Clarissa , who started as the NCDL 's Public Relations Officer before her talents were put to wider use as Chief Executive , is currently promoting the Neutering Roadshow , where people who ca n't afford to have their dogs neutered pay just £10 for a voucher , redeemable at their local vet .
15 Her shoulders were covered by a lace-trimmed mantelet , and pink ribbons decorated her lavender wool day dress .
16 Her shoulders were racked with sobs .
17 In an age when décolletage mattered , her shoulders were said to be superb .
18 Robyn saw for the first time that Melissa was a little drunk ; her eyes had that bright , fixed look , and her words were pronounced with the extra care of someone who had consumed rather too much alcohol .
19 Her words were followed by applause to indicate that everyone agreed .
20 Just 50 yards away her words were echoed by Roy Rice , manager of the recession-hit Churchill shopping centre .
21 Her words were lost in the sound of grinding gears , and the car leaped away from the sidewalk , knocking Mrs Frizzell 's hat askew and leaving her mouthing furiously at nobody .
22 Her words were lost in a fit of coughing , and at once he dragged her to her feet , supporting her across Water Gypsy 's gangplank .
23 Her words were ringing in her ears as she eventually made her way through Customs .
24 Her words were enveloped by his swooping mouth again , covering hers .
25 He was staring at her , amazed at the reaction her words were having on him ; it was , in a way , as if she were suffering an agony similar to his own .
26 But her words were interrupted by Silas , who came from the main office .
27 Her words were interrupted by Doreen sweeping into the room with the plans in her hand .
28 Her words were interrupted by a triumphant shout of amusement from Geoffrey .
29 Her reveries were interrupted by the entrance of two female SS officers .
30 Her lips were swollen against her pale face and the sight of her distress seemed to infuriate him more .
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