Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [prep] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Agatha joined her hands together , raising her fingers to her lips as if she was a teacher teasing a rather clever pupil .
2 She cocked her head slightly to one side , staring at Corbett , a slight smile on her lips as if he was telling her some merry jest or interesting tale .
3 I read the other day a well praised first novel in which the narrator — who is both sexually inexperienced and an amateur of French literature — comically rehearses to himself the best way to kiss a girl without being rebuffed : ‘ With a slow , sensual , irresistible strength , draw her gradually towards you while gazing into her eyes as if you had just been given a copy of the first , suppressed edition of Madame Bovary . ’
4 She screwed up her eyes as if she was having difficulty seeing her child .
5 Her heart raced like a riptide ; her ears rang and lights fizzed at the back of her eyes as if she 'd just dived deep into the bosom of Ocean .
6 She strained away , but saw that her breasts were thrust out further , and now she had a new sensation to worry about — the liquid feeling in her loins as if he 'd built a small fire there .
7 Nonetheless , her gift is to write about her characters as if they are known to her : her stories unfold through their eyes , with no apparent authorial manipulation .
8 And Maisie would stand like some artist 's model , exhibiting her diseases as if they were her only claim on him .
9 She stopped waving her arms about and he quite suddenly put his arms around her and pressed his face against hers .
10 It made Bella shriek and wave her arms about and it set Joe drumming his fingers on the table with that quiet disapproval that was worse than anything Bella could do .
11 The superintendent sighed and turned the paper round and round in her hands as if it were a visual conundrum that could be solved by approaching the problem from an unexpected angle .
12 I do n't want to know , I wo n't know said Sally as she put her hands put out her hands as if she was fending Daryl off , I hate you Daryl Rivers , you with , you with your mother who comes to see you often , sends you things and writes you long letters and comes to see you .
13 Lady Grubb had fallen easily into the habit of behaving to her children as if she were some doggedly snobbish godmother , inviting them home every few months to look into their marriage prospects and treating the occasion as if it were a country weekend that put her to a lot of trouble , though her house was actually in the middle of London and fully staffed with unhappy au-pair girls .
14 His hands slid from her breasts as if she 'd been greased .
15 The bodice clung to her breasts as if it had been moulded to her , a thin diamanté halter giving an illusion of safety .
16 Picking up her thoughts as if she 'd broadcast them , he added mockingly , ‘ There is no winding stair and I promise not to eat you .
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