Example sentences of "her [noun sg] back [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was a strong swimmer , and spent five minutes ploughing her way effortlessly along its length before surfacing to sleek her hair back and knead the water from her eyes .
2 She tossed her hair back and addressed him levelly , keeping her rage in check .
3 He stroked her hair back and cupped her flushed face in his hands .
4 Agnes now went into the back room and , after washing her hands in a bowl of water that stood on a bench , she dried them , then smoothed her hair back and adjusted the bow at the neck of her dress .
5 Mr Hobbs smoothed her hair back and adjusted the pillows .
6 He smoothed her hair back and held it and kissed her , tenderly , then harder , and this time when his mouth opened into hers she did n't pull away .
7 ‘ A week — longer perhaps , ’ and while Fabia was having disturbing visions of somehow getting her car back and driving home to England and — never mind the interview — never seeing Ven again , Lubor was changing the subject to ask , ‘ Will you have dinner with me this evening , Fabia ? ’
8 ‘ I am sorry to hear it , ’ said Theda , dragging her attention back and focusing it on the lady .
9 Julia laid her head back but did not shut her eyes until he had left the room .
10 Zenaida threw her head back and laughed ; she had very big , yellow teeth too , donkey 's teeth , strong enough to haul with ; and Carmellina abased herself before her to trick her , until her face was on the floor at the dirty and rank hem of Zenaida 's dress , like the pilgrims who drag their tongues along the ground during the Tomb ritual before Easter .
11 ‘ Nothing would surprise me , Ilsa , ’ I said and she threw her head back and laughed .
12 Striving hard for some normality , she pulled her head back and told him , ‘ I d-did n't say a word to anyone about — about us . ’
13 Betty Felton now put her head back and looked from one to the other of her four sons and she said , ‘ Aye , there 's a confectioner 's an' baccy shop in that street .
14 She tilted her head back and looked up at his face .
15 Dana tilted her head back and looked at her sister .
16 She put her head back and looked up at the ceiling .
17 She tilted her head back and took a long , refreshing drink .
18 She tipped her head back and stared at the tumbling nymphs and satyrs that danced across it , trailing garlands of flowers .
19 Biddy put her head back and yelled with laughter .
20 She threw her head back and appealed to the ceiling .
21 She put her head back and roared with laughter at this , before shaking her head and restoring her attention to the road .
22 When she laughs , my Auntie Muriel tips her head back and opens her mouth wide .
23 She put her head back and closed her eyes .
24 Flushing slightly , she rested her head back and closed her eyes , not to sleep , but with the deliberate intention of shutting him from her mind .
25 She put her head back and closed her eyes .
26 You are Scottish ? ’ and each time she touches my kilt with her hand , throwing her head back and laughing as we spin around the dance floor .
27 She kept thinking of that , of their telling Mrs Blakey in the kitchen and Mrs Blakey throwing her head back and laughing .
28 The slight girl with the tumbling hair , he was thinking , would take a shower ( bachelor flats had showers ) , putting her head back and letting the water cascade down between her breasts …
29 Jane Pargeter threw her head back and contemplated the ceiling .
30 She flung her head back and resumed her graceful stride .
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