Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [adv] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Every nerve-ending felt exposed , her skin almost painful to the touch as she moved her hands across his warm skin , touched each muscle until it tensed , then slid her palms over his smooth back and buttocks .
2 With her mind wide open to this new enticing prospect , a desire so unexpected and untested , she wanted no audience .
3 She has also freelanced as translator of art-historical material from German and French , finding her degree very relevant to this part of her work .
4 I make her sound too colourless to you .
5 She crept about , grasping the suitcase , putting her eye very close to each of the two bell-pushes in turn .
6 At the window overlooking the garden the young girl with whom he is living sits painting — tiny brush strokes , with her head very close to the work , silent , absorbed .
7 According to Celac , Elena came to dominate her husband as he grew older , though he attributes her authority as much to her marginally more elevated social origins as to her sex .
8 The present monarch of Great Britain has recently been the subject of criticism for failure to all make her collection readily available to her subjects .
9 She leaves her door wide open to the dark .
10 Feeling her strength almost equal to Nana 's , Martha thrashed her arm to break her grasp .
11 Still the mannequins were appearing , their elongated clothes-horse frames moving with a grace which belied their tight-drawn nerves , still the bursts of applause rang out to drown the persistent clicking of the cameras , but Harriet leaned back against her pillar almost oblivious to them .
12 If we printed details of the case it would make her identity too plain to the authorities but suffice it to say that she was detained with some others for celebrating a ‘ banned person ’ — Nelson Mandela .
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