Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her eventual release can only come about through the death of Doc and the proof of her recovery lies in her willingness to participate in a wedding-feast .
2 Maggie exclaimed when she saw her sister framed in the kitchen doorway .
3 Her sister sat in the rocking-chair by the side of the range , her eyes closed and her foot rhythmically working the rocker .
4 PIPPA Steffell , aged one , who got her foot caught in the gap of a Sainsbury trolley while sitting in the seat .
5 Her luck lies in the fact that she possesses little to recommend except for her good looks .
6 The trouble was , Alexandra thought , walking into her kitchen wrapped in a bath sheet , the trouble was that you could n't really go with the flow until you 'd had time to work out which way it was going .
7 After all , I ca n't see a girl like you giving up her freedom to live in a squalid little room above a shop — and , believe me , without help Peter certainly ca n't afford anything else . ’
8 She was probably about twenty at the time and on her return created quite a furore among the ladies with her hair shingled in the latest fashion and sporting lipstick and rouge which was almost unknown at that period .
9 She was a very efficient , neat woman with a reddish face , her hair parted in the middle and drawn back tightly against her head .
10 Alexandra , in her new afternoon dress , her hair parted in the middle and drawn up by Lyddy into a series of padded puffs and curves behind , waited in the drawing-room on the edge of the sofa .
11 Another has her hair cut in a short crop , dyed a deep pink .
12 Just before Christmas when she was twelve , she had her hair plaited in a hundred little plaits with a bead on the end of each plait .
13 After more anxious discussion , the woman who had come down with the leaves , bony and greyish of skin with her hair wrapped in a yellow turban , poured half , then all the small bottle of gin into the steaming mixture and ceremoniously put it in the centre of the floor .
14 Kate Bush stood defiantly before them , her hair frozen in an imaginary breeze , curling in the air like the deadly locks of a Gorgon .
15 The intruder was blonde ; her hair shone in a shaft of subdued sunlight from the slatted blind .
16 Describes her field trips in the tropics and how she became one of the world 's leading dragonfly experts .
17 Louise walked up the path , her heart dragging in the dirt .
18 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
19 Her heart beat in a way she had not been conscious of it beating for many a month and she felt near to tears .
20 Yeah probably I think she 'll always be like it though , cos her mum 's just the same , she 's just like her mum , you know her mum got in a strop every day because she could n't go round , down the
21 Her mum works in the erm Royal Oak at Ideford !
22 In 1989 , she headed south from her birthplace to settle in the forests east of the Värmland town of Arvika .
23 Felicity flung herself down on the sacrificial stone , opening wide her legs , arching her back , so that her pudendum rose in the air like some nocturnal flower .
24 She would blush furiously , her pale complexion flooding red so that he actually imagined her blood flowing in a hot tide to the surface of her flesh ; a thought he found exciting .
25 It had thrown up some very challenging cross-references in its time , and she was at the moment pursuing a connection between the nature of quattrocento pigmentation and lichenology as a method of dating the antiquity of landscape : a gratifyingly pointless and therefore pure pursuit , which enabled her mind to wander in the direction of Italy and to hover about the abstraction of a particular shade of green-blue which she had noted in many a painted Italian scene as well as in the lichens of ancient English woodland .
26 Cleo turned and craned her neck to take in the massive black pile rising behind them .
27 Her neck rose in a long , rounded column to a face which , though not classically beautiful — the nose was too tilted , the mouth too wide — was heart-stopping in its freshness , its air of innocence combined with its look of deep , untapped feminine knowledge .
28 Her glance skittered in the opposite direction towards the exit .
29 She seemed happy , though , and announced her intention to stay in the forest with her new family .
30 Within minutes of the result being known , Mrs Thatcher ( still in Paris ) had announced her intention to stand in the second ballot and Hurd , with her in Paris , had declared that she continued to have his full support .
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