Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 Stella tries to look after her sister showering her with compliements to try to get Stanley to ‘ understand her and be nice to her . ’
2 Beatrice was married now , with a family of her own , and because times were hard her sister helped her with surreptitious gifts of money ; and with clothes , toys , and treats for the children .
3 But her mind presented her with two stiff figures lying side by side , not even holding hands , perhaps not even saying a polite goodnight .
4 It had not been her intention to favour him with a compliment .
5 Her hands were in his dark hair , her mouth kissing him with all the love and desire she had suppressed for so long .
6 As she watched him striding up the beach she tried to consider what he had said but with his loss the full weight of her grief hit her with a thud that stopped her eyes , her ears , her brain .
7 The sign of her barrenness filled her with depression , and as usual she could n't prevent an irrational moment of anger with Dmitri for being sterile .
8 If she was addressing young people she made it her business to acquaint herself with their interests .
9 Then , to her everlasting shame , a new and totally unexpected sensation found its way into her consciousness , so devastating , so unlike anything she had ever experienced before , as her body betrayed her with its instant response .
10 Aileen Gillies was all brisk agreement as she wrapped up some food in a cloth and gave it to them while her husband busied himself with laying the fire .
11 David looked down at her as she lay against the white pillows , pale and thinner than ever , and thought how much easier it would be to keep himself in check if her husband treated her with the gentleness she deserved .
12 While her husband occupied himself with making mental notes as to his proposed victim 's physical constitution and disposition of character , Cleo amused herself with Lorimer , communicating with him by pulling delightful impish faces and fluttering her hands .
13 Going upstairs to Helen 's flat , she handed it over , and her godmother took it with a smile .
14 Her father took her with us when we went to France .
15 Miss Snoot moves as if to draw the curtains , but her father forbids her with a shake of his head .
16 She gave a small , tight smile and her grandmother answered it with , ‘ Yes , in more ways than one , we 'll definitely be back to square one .
17 Rose , he knew , had had an opportunity — her dog-walking provided her with that .
18 Her tone lashed him with scalding contempt .
19 He saw her breasts spilling across her ribs and that chip missing from her tooth where her brother hit her with a stone .
20 The same element of fear is portrayed in Carrie , as her mother threatens her with the power of God .
21 Her mother greeted her with a hug .
22 The teacher had chosen her time to join them with the purpose of extending their mathematical thinking and the second day 's activity shows that David had absorbed some of the ideas about size .
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