Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 Then she asked her Mum to find something for me .
2 her Mum bought it for her er pure wool
3 I intended at first only to teach her needlework to qualify her for a genteel position , for you see she has a delicacy in her person that makes it a pity ever to put her to hard work , but she masters everything so fast that now I am desirous to have to divert and entertain me in my thoughtful hours .
4 She decided she would say it , noticed how her body rearranged itself for the tone that would come .
5 She looked up , clutching her inadequate plush tablecloths , the supple line of her body begging him for a ride .
6 It was the question she had been screwing up her courage to ask him for some time , but Duro pretended he had n't heard , and turned away to talk to Dom Alfonso .
7 Her husband left her for a job in the Arabian Gulf one year ago , and apart from regular maintenance , neither she nor the children have heard from him since .
8 But she was quite ready to assign her nuclear units to a NATO Multinational Force ; indeed , she was , in effect , already doing so through the joint targeting of her V-bombers with the US Strategic Air Command , subject to her right to use them for her own purposes if vital national interests were at stake .
9 Amidst the noise of children shouting , women calling across the alley , and dogs barking , Sarah seemed to hear her father condemning her for the way she had behaved these last months , and her misery grew .
10 She was abandoned by her mother when she was a year old , and her father gave her for adoption . ’
11 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
12 She was philosophical about her stepson blaming her for allowing his father 's foot to become so black , saying that Alex had to look after himself .
13 He refused her invitation to join her for ‘ a cup of coffee , or something stronger . ’
14 Anybody would think she was a promiscuous little tart , the way her family reproached her for her single status …
15 Her family disowned her for marrying a Gentile .
16 Starved of emotional nourishment from that quarter , the daughter is brittle and neurotic and , when her boyfriend leaves her for another woman , she takes umbrage , haunts the new love-nest night and day , lets down tyres , makes abusive phone calls and eventually throws a stone through a window and gets herself arrested .
17 Her mother blamed her for what had happened , and the threatened break-up of the family .
18 During the day , Erika wondered what her mother wanted her for , but after two hours in the gym she had given up wondering , and , indeed , had forgotten about it .
19 Nan was in the running for that kind of life , and Emily would do everything in her power to get it for her .
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