Example sentences of "her [noun] and [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 The boy , aware of Mme Picard 's frequently expressed view , deliberately exploits her presence and asks his mother 's permission to read a particular and notorious novel .
2 She felt his lips brush against her skin and heard his murmured " Enchante , " but he did n't look at her again before greeting the senator .
3 She leant across the table to wipe his face with her napkin and knocked his glass of wine into his lap .
4 Thomas put his arm round her shoulders and introduced his wife Bethoe , who gently murmured her welcome .
5 He flicked the white silk bow undone , his fingers running through it , inciting shivers of heat to flood her skin as he studied her through those hooded lids , and deliberately stroked one long finger down the nape of her neck and lowered his blue eyes to watch her nipples erect in fierce , unwanted response .
6 ‘ I 'll take the risk ! ’ he groaned , lowering his mouth to the base of her neck and sliding his hands along the soft pliancy of her body with such a startling response that further dissent was impossible .
7 One evening Rosslyn 's horse came up from the paddock as usual for his dinner , but instead of practically knocking her over like he normally did in his enthusiasm to get at the food , he stopped quietly at her side and put his head in her hands , saying non-verbally : ‘ I hurt ! ’
8 She tried to break from his grasp , but as she spoke he released the arm still pinned at her side and placed his hand on the curve of her neck , fondling it in a way that reminded her of an actor she 'd once seen playing Henry VIII just before a beheading scene .
9 But finally he drew away from her lips and buried his face in her neck and hair , breathing heavily as if exhausted and spent .
10 He bit her lips and pressed his mouth down hard on hers , his hand slipping back between her legs .
11 Beeby laughed at that until Lloyd lifted one of her legs and sank his teeth into her inner thigh until she squealed .
12 He pushed his hand back beneath her skirt and thrust his fingers down inside her panties , pressing roughly between her legs .
13 My mother would hitch up her skirt and straddle his chest .
14 Mister Johnny sat quiet and still as he always did when she talked , watching her mouth and moving his own as if he were trying to copy her .
15 She drew his head down to her mouth and engaged his lips in a tender argument .
16 Wild with fear , Constance opened her mouth and bit his nose so hard that it hurt her teeth .
17 But after they had eaten she would take his head in her lap and comb his hair , or she would play sweet tunes on her pair of bone pipes .
18 She pointed to one of the paintings on the south wall , in which the maiden sat on a plinth beneath bowering trees , reading a billet-doux whilst its author wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head against her neck .
19 Harry helped the old cook to her feet and put his arms round her .
20 She would imagine calling him up to her room every night before he went home to bed with a man , and taking her silver hairbrush from her desk and brushing his hair out like a daughter 's , one hundred strokes every night .
21 She heard the steady beat of his heart under her cheek and felt his hand stroking her hair again and again .
22 She felt Jackie Tiptoe 's breath on her cheek and heard his whisper , ‘ Do n't fight , do n't think , make yourself into a machine , it 's the only way . ’
23 Tommaso bent down to her cheek and placed his lips against her ear .
24 In that time , she had to clean the house , set the fire , heat water for her husband and make his breakfast .
25 He wanted to press his mouth to her softly parted lips and taste the sweetness within , he wanted to push aside the loosely tied neck of her shift and let his hand savour the warmth of her flesh , he wanted to lay her back on the bed and hold her against him as he had at the river-crossing ; he wanted her .
26 Sliding his hands up to her face , he cupped her head and thrust his tongue deeper still , as if he were dying of thirst , drinking from her .
27 His hand curled around the nape of her neck , the pressure of it light but steady so that she had no choice but to lift her head and meet his gaze .
28 She held her coffee cup between her palms and met his eyes .
29 ‘ Uh , huh ? ’ he replied dreamily , replacing his hand at her breast and pushing his fingers beneath the fabric of her dress to rub his thumb against her nipple .
30 Joy Prentice caught up with her father and took his arm .
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