Example sentences of "her [noun] had [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Her ex-husband had walked out one day for unspecified reasons , never to be seen again .
2 The pain in her jaw had come back .
3 Was it possible that her sister had taken on a new maid for the Fanshawes ' flat and not said anything about it ?
4 She awoke aware of four things — it was dark ; the rain had stopped ; her T-shirt had pulled up and strong , warm arms rested protectively on her midriff ; and the back of her was very warm and the front of her was very cold .
5 Suddenly she lifted her hand and examined the brown , greasy deposit that her fingers had picked up and grimaced in disgust .
6 Her hair had fallen down and there were scattered hairpins everywhere .
7 All her hair had dropped out in the night and she was choking on it . ’
8 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
9 Alexandra was standing on a chair and most of her hair had come down on to her shoulders .
10 Jenna asked when her heart had slowed down and his hands ran over her with the dominance of ownership .
11 Focusing resentfully on the dark , angular face , her heart had flipped over suddenly in her chest .
12 Maggie was thankful that her heart had settled down a bit and was not now hammering in her chest like a wild bird .
13 Her heart had sunk down into her shoes .
14 She moistened her lips , feeling the raised and tender flesh where her teeth had bitten through .
15 Her voice was shaky , her eyes had become round and dull with astonishment .
16 She rubbed her face and when she dropped her hands her eyes had welled up with tears .
17 Her mouth was open and her eyes had rolled back .
18 ‘ Well , actually , this is such a beautiful place , I was thinking of maybe staying on for a few extra days , ’ she invented hastily , knowing her mother would worry herself silly if she knew the half of it — let alone that her car had packed up .
19 ‘ If her car had broken down your Dad or me would have passed it on the road . ’
20 Her car had broken down , she had as good as lied to her parents , and had somehow managed to offend the man whom her sister would bend over backwards not to offend — and now she had just practically told Cara , when there was n't the remotest chance of it happening , that the damnable interview was in the bag .
21 Like Marie her car had broken down .
22 Her car had broke down .
23 He flushed with anger when he remembered how the legal aid he had levied to furnish her to her wedding had brought in only miserable trickles of money on the date appointed , and how he had been forced to send out letters to all and sundry requesting loans to help to pay for her clothes and dowry , and even to borrow abjectly from the City of London and some of its richest citizens , with all the members of his council pledging themselves for repayment , so low was his own credit fallen .
24 Her skirt had ridden up and she clung to his shoulders convulsively as she yielded to the sweet torment of his long fingers stroking over her thighs .
25 as if her thinking had conjured up her sister , the door opened again and Jessie came in , saying in a low voice , ‘ Mother 's in a pet .
26 At one time Camille and her peers had moved around like soldier ants devouring all in their path .
27 There were pictures in one of Gloria 's magazines of the decorated carriage Pulled by plumed horses that Her Majesty had travelled in before she became Her Majesty the Queen , when she was still just a Lady , on her way to be married .
28 Before Mrs Carroll could stop her Benny had galloped out of the shop and up the road towards the convent .
29 Her nightgown had ridden up around her waist , and she enjoyed feeling his hard , muscular legs entwined around hers .
30 Her marriage had broken up , and she had gone to live with a man who was starting an art gallery in the Lake District .
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