Example sentences of "her [noun] be [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Her raptures are extravagant and pathetically touching ; but she was pressurised into handing the infant , Allegra , over to Byron .
2 Her sister was headstrong and volatile , sometimes thoughtless of the feelings of those who cared for her , but she could also be charming and generous , compassionate and very lovable , and she was certainly no femme fatale , to lead a man to his doom against his will .
3 Her handwriting was small and neat , and Paul 's headaches had grown worse ; after the day 's work he preferred to dictate to Dinah , then get her to read the passage back .
4 While her handwriting was clear and she read fluently , Diana found the scholarly side rather confusing .
5 Now LĂ©onie 's mane stuck out crisply , the blaze of a sunflower , and her fur was yellow as bananas .
6 Her chest was tight and her throat hurt .
7 Her technique is poor and her instruction often shows her lack of knowledge .
8 She is right , she does n't , though when I catch a glimpse of her left arm , her bruises are pink and prominent , crawling the length of it like squashed insects .
9 She munched continuously on her gums and her fingers were dirty and greasy down to the knuckles .
10 Clasped on her lap , her fingers were rose-tipped and heavily ringed .
11 Her fingers were gentle but firm , and he sprawled back on his elbows and watched her as she lifted his foot on to her lap and massaged all the tired muscles .
12 Her fingers were slim and feather-like .
13 Her hair is short and black .
14 Her hair was black as jet , falling beyond her shoulders , straight and heavy , blue lights glittering along its length .
15 Her hair was black and thick and looked tangled , as though she had just got out of bed and not brushed it .
16 Her hair was snow-white and brushed back into a neat bun .
17 Her hair was long and black as a raven 's feather , untied so one wing partially covered her patch-covered missing eye .
18 Chaman 's fingernails were brightly painted and her hair was long and straggly ; she had huge sagging breasts .
19 Her hair was brown and , to her , quite impossibly dull and lifeless .
20 Her hair was short and dark , and she had a long face with a mobile mouth and crooked teeth .
21 Her hair was dishevelled and her green eyes full of sleep .
22 Her hair was thick and coarse , her face raw and peeling from work in the sun .
23 Her hair was grey and well cared for and her apron was invariably spotless .
24 Her hair was stiff and phosphorous , a dome-like wedge .
25 Her hair was untidy and her face still on fire and she knew she presented a distraught sight .
26 And her hair was untidy and she was wearing an apron .
27 Her hair was untidy and her lipstick chewed away .
28 Her face was pretty and animated , even though her hair was untidy and her lipstick chewed .
29 Her hair was limp and needed washing , her face was pallid and there were dark stains under her eyes .
30 Her hair was thin and fair and long , caught back with an elastic band , and her face was thin and long too , wizened and pinched .
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