Example sentences of "her [noun] [adv] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And that little Mrs Hayes next door , who she hardly knew , had been a tower of strength , sending her sister in to cook and keep the place going .
2 When they crested a wooded hill shortly before sunset and saw cultivated fields stretching down towards a small village in the distance it took all her will-power not to beg that they stop there for the night .
3 I saw one in the box once when she was trying her pearls on to see if they went with one of the dresses .
4 Blinking her eyes rapidly to try and clear her head , Sarah said , ‘ Come inside and I 'll go and look . ’
5 Her hand trembled but she could n't even tear her gaze away to check whether any of the liquid had spilt , as Rune 's low , intense voice continued smoothly .
6 Each goal is planned for a week but some may possibly require longer ; our dieter will have to take extra time if it is taking her body longer to adjust than she anticipates at the start .
7 It was on the tip of her tongue then to ask if he had managed to dispatch the papers to whoever they were destined for , but she held back the question before it got uttered .
8 Charlie rose from the chair and shook her hand vigorously to confirm that his first deal was closed .
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