Example sentences of "her [noun] [adj] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Doreen 's face became alight with sudden excitement , her eyes gleaming as she spoke rapidly .
2 ‘ I 'll be ready for you , ’ Rachel said tightly , her eyes hostile as she looked at him through black lashes .
3 ‘ From what ? ’ she asked , her eyes enormous as they shot open .
4 She felt unrested , her eyes heavy as she stared into the fire for the truth was that she had slept very little and , when she did drift off , dreams of being in Craig 's arms tormented her .
5 She nodded then turned away , looking across at the ancient pomegranate trees , flicking her fan open as she did so .
6 Iris stared with her mouth open as she described how she had found them .
7 Elaine exclaimed , her delight evident as she entered the open-plan living- and dining-room decorated in a fresh lemon and blue fabric which Christina had chosen .
8 For a second , she thought he might force her to respond , and she shrank visibly , her voice hoarse as she said , ‘ I do n't want you ! ’
9 She could n't deny him , her voice husky as she gave him her promise .
10 Galvanised into action by the very idea , she rose abruptly to her feet , striving to keep her expression impassive as she glanced down into Candy 's surprised eyes .
11 ‘ Entertaining the proprietor was n't part of the job description , ’ she offered , her tone creamy as she nerved herself to continue the debate if necessary .
12 ‘ But it could have been a big spider , ’ she said , her tone distraught as she imagined what might have happened .
13 She said she would provided they left her brother alone as he was so very ill .
14 Maybe she felt that if she could n't do it now , she would never do it ; maybe that was why her face hardened as she watched them , still apart , and imagined them , together .
15 She was looking down at the two children , her face animated as she turned the page of the book on her lap .
16 Lucy appealed to Silas , her face pathetic as she faltered , ‘ I 'm sorry — it was an accident — ’
17 She broke off , her face rapt as she remembered some of the things she 'd seen , some of the things that had got to her .
18 ‘ That 's hard on a girl , ’ said Annie , and kept her face straight as she asked , ‘ What about a change of other things ? ’
19 ‘ Did I kill him ? ’ she whispered , her face pale as she stared at the weapon .
20 He thinks of that great opening shot in Le Métro and he realizes that her lips are moving in exactly the same way , her face pained as he does his practised best .
21 ‘ So Father was forced to make a choice between Mother , and his fiancée and Venice , ’ she said , her face soft as she thought of the power of romance .
22 Leonora shied a pillow at her sister , her face scarlet as she remembered how she 'd once pleaded with Penry to make love to her .
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